Monday, December 19, 2016

Never been so cold!

Hello from Freezing Omaha! With wind chill this week, we reached -25 at the lowest, and I tell you what, I have never been more cold in my entire life. It cuts right through you out here! No matter how many layers you have on! Christmas time around here is the best time. Especially being a missionary. We have so many cool opportunities! I am having a blast sharing the gospel with the people of Papio. I wish I could stay forever, but with transfers on the 11th, its looking like I wont be here for much longer! I am excited for the new adventures though! I wont know where I am going until the day before, so I will keep you updated in the coming weeks!

This week was a good one,we had a missionary fireside where I had a short speaking part. I was also able to sing bass in the choir! It was so much fun! I talk with as many wrestlers as I can, we seem to run into a lot of them out here! In fact, we are teaching one of them who wrestles 132 at a local high school!  It's been really awesome. One of my best friends out here who is a 59 year old man, was admitted to the hospital about a week ago, and isnt doing well at all. We have been up to see him a couple of time, and he isnt looking all that well. However he is staying strong and he continues to amaze me every day. I finally know of the love Heavenly Father has for each of us. And I can testify of that love, because I have seen it change this mans life. It is real and it is powerful beyond measure. I absolutely love this time of year. As I look at the wonderful Christmas lights this time of year, it prompts me to think of the savior and how he is the light of the world. That same joy that comes from the extravagantly decorated trees and streets this time of year, is the same love that the savior can bring into our lives every day. The key however is we have to seek him. or "plug him in" so that he can light up our lives. I can testify of the pure love of the Father who sent his son to atone for our sins so that we can be made clean, and comforted in our times of need. I testify that our savior lives and that he loves each of us. As this season comes and goes, I pray that we all can remember the true light of our lives, and the one unfailing source of happiness,  our savior Jesus Christ. I humbly bear testimony of these things in his name. Amen. 

Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas! Be safe! 

Love Elder Kirby

 Elder Olsen and I
 Rhino riding
 Freezing selfie

Monkeying around!

Monday, December 12, 2016


Hello From freezing Nebraska! Things are pretty cold and slow this time of year! Not too much has happened, we went on exchanges in Bellevue again, and I went with a greenie to an are that I have never been and we just had to walk around and try and find people. Its was nuts! We survived thank goodness, I got to try out my spanish again, so that was fun and cool! Later this week, we had our Zone training, and it was really good, talking about different ways we can use the Light the World Initiative to find people and share the gospel with them! Its so awesome! Elder Buxton and I also got our journals! I am definitely so pumped to finally have mine! We had an awesome opportunity to teach a couple sweet families this week, one of them is having a rough time right now, but the gospel is definately helping them! We also had our ward Christmas party this week, we dressed up as jews because it was themed "A Night in Bethlehem" It was so much fun! I love our ward, there are so many good people! I also love Christmas time!It's my absolute favorite time of the year, and its so special being a missionary during this time, because we really get to reflect on the saviors life! It has been really cool thus far! Next week is a big week for us, we have a lot of appointments, and conferences! I am learning a ton and having so much fun out here! However I miss wrestling season a ton! luckily we are near some other Elders who are wrestlers! More fun adventures to come next week! Stay warm out there! 

Elder Kirby

 Basketball game
 Ward Christmas Party "A night in Jerusalem"
 Leather journals for memorizing scriptures
 Zone training

 Any skype info yet? Not yet

How is the cold weather different in Nebraska?  Its like a wet cold that freezes you from the inside out. It sucks because you can't get warm, so you just tolerate the cold. In all reality it's manageable.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Slow week....but we got snow!!!

Hello everyone,

Pretty slow week this week, not a whole lot going on, We got to take out new missionaries on Tuesday, that was a ton of fun, I took out Elder Amsden from Ogden, he is an awesome kid and a great missionary. Wednesday was transfer day, I am still here in Papillion! Im having a blast! We had a church tour with one of our investigators  set up for Sunday, sadly, that fell through. But we are hoping to meet up with him sometime soon! On Saturday this week, we got to help a super cool family move into their new house, they aren't members, but have been talking to the missionaries, it was so awesome! Service is definitely one of my favorite parts of being a missionary! Its just so awesome to help people and just work alongside them. It brings me a lot of happiness! Also on Saturday, we got like 4 inches of white fluffy snow! It was awesome, however we had to walk that day, so that kinda sucked because I was freezing and soaked to the bone. Total we walked close to 7 miles that day in the snow! However, I absolutely love it. I am pumped for Christmas! We get to sing as missionaries in a Christmas Devotional on the 18th! Also another accomplishment, I passed off all the scriptures in tier one this week! I will be getting my journal on Thursday! I am super excited and I cant wait for more snow, and for the adventures to come next week! I love you all! have a great week!

Elder Kirby

 New missionary Elder Amsden
Elder Kirby said he is wearing his hair like this all winter in honor of Coach Praska and the Poky team!!!