Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Slow week....but we got snow!!!

Hello everyone,

Pretty slow week this week, not a whole lot going on, We got to take out new missionaries on Tuesday, that was a ton of fun, I took out Elder Amsden from Ogden, he is an awesome kid and a great missionary. Wednesday was transfer day, I am still here in Papillion! Im having a blast! We had a church tour with one of our investigators  set up for Sunday, sadly, that fell through. But we are hoping to meet up with him sometime soon! On Saturday this week, we got to help a super cool family move into their new house, they aren't members, but have been talking to the missionaries, it was so awesome! Service is definitely one of my favorite parts of being a missionary! Its just so awesome to help people and just work alongside them. It brings me a lot of happiness! Also on Saturday, we got like 4 inches of white fluffy snow! It was awesome, however we had to walk that day, so that kinda sucked because I was freezing and soaked to the bone. Total we walked close to 7 miles that day in the snow! However, I absolutely love it. I am pumped for Christmas! We get to sing as missionaries in a Christmas Devotional on the 18th! Also another accomplishment, I passed off all the scriptures in tier one this week! I will be getting my journal on Thursday! I am super excited and I cant wait for more snow, and for the adventures to come next week! I love you all! have a great week!

Elder Kirby

 New missionary Elder Amsden
Elder Kirby said he is wearing his hair like this all winter in honor of Coach Praska and the Poky team!!!

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