Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Hello family and friends,

Well I guess this is the last email you will get until I see you all on Thursday. I just wanted to write a short letter this week. We had Raynettes baptism and confirmation this week, and it was amazing. The ward came through with some amazing fellowship at her baptism. It has truly been a blessing to watch her grow and progress in her life, and watch her change. Other than that, I am saving some stories for you all! Thank you to everyone for the support, love, and prayers that you have sent in my behalf. I am so grateful for each of you, and I am looking forward to seeing you all again. I have loved every second of this amazing journey. It has definitely been the best thing for my life. I cant wait to take what I have learned and apply it at home. Just because the tag comes off doesn't mean that I will stop being a missionary. I love this great work so much, and I am so grateful for the chance that I had to assist my Heavenly Father. Anyhow, thank you. And I love you. I will see you all on Thursday!!!


Elder Kirby

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


 Happy 4th of July!! I can't believe it's the 4th again already!  I love the Book of Mormon so much! So I finally recovered from my migraine, just in time to mess up my back riding bikes this week. Lol satan is working hard against me this week. Nevertheless, we had a pretty great week! But first last week was crazy. Our ward mission leader does this challenge for all of the missionaires going home. You have to eat 5 super hot wings. Like the last one is equivalent to pepper spray...so I had the privilege of doing that last week, and my whole face swole up and I couldn't see or eat anything lol. I'll send some pics home! On a brighter note, Raynette is getting baptized this Saturday! It has been so awesome teaching her, and she has a rock solid testimony. . It should be a great service. New mission President is pretty sweet, we met him yesterday, and we had a good conference! I'm sad I only get him for another week. This week is going to fly by because of meetings and what not. I am loving every second if it though. It is going to be so sweet!!  Keep up the good work, know that I am praying for you.  I will see you Soon! Love you 

Elder Kirby