Wednesday, July 4, 2018


 Happy 4th of July!! I can't believe it's the 4th again already!  I love the Book of Mormon so much! So I finally recovered from my migraine, just in time to mess up my back riding bikes this week. Lol satan is working hard against me this week. Nevertheless, we had a pretty great week! But first last week was crazy. Our ward mission leader does this challenge for all of the missionaires going home. You have to eat 5 super hot wings. Like the last one is equivalent to pepper I had the privilege of doing that last week, and my whole face swole up and I couldn't see or eat anything lol. I'll send some pics home! On a brighter note, Raynette is getting baptized this Saturday! It has been so awesome teaching her, and she has a rock solid testimony. . It should be a great service. New mission President is pretty sweet, we met him yesterday, and we had a good conference! I'm sad I only get him for another week. This week is going to fly by because of meetings and what not. I am loving every second if it though. It is going to be so sweet!!  Keep up the good work, know that I am praying for you.  I will see you Soon! Love you 

Elder Kirby 

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