Thursday, October 27, 2016

Training after just 12 weeks!!!!!!

Hello Family, Thank you for all of your emails, I had a crazy week this week. I hope you are all doing well, and know that i miss you and love you all like crazy!

My week was absolutely crazy. So transfer calls come in on tuesday morning, and president tells you whats going on, so its really nerve racking.. so our call came in at 6:47 a.m. and Elder George answers the phone and president tells him he will be opening a new area, and training a new missionary. I started to laugh and make fun of him, because he told me the day before thats exactly what he doesnt want to do. But as always, karma sucks. I hear president say "can i talk to Elder Kirby?" my heart dropped, i answered, and he says "Elder Kirby, how would you like to train a new missionary in the papillion area?" Now keep in mind, i just finished being trained on monday... so i was a little freaked out, but i accepted. Only 4 missionaries in the group i came out with are training. Two of my good buddies, Elder Russell and Elder Brinkerhoff are both training as well. its apparently very uncommon to train this early, but i guess president knows best. I feel VERY inadequate and not ready at all, but i know that Heavenly Father will qualify me for the work. So with that being said, my new Greenie is Elder Buxton from Sparks Nevada. .    He is such a good guy, and i am so happy he is my companion! I really miss Elder George like crazy, but we still get to see him all the time because he lives 3 miles from me. So i will be in Papillion through christmas time now, unless something crazy happens. So thats cool, i love this area so much! The people are so amazing!! Because of transfers, this week was really weird and not very productive, but we still managed to get some work done somehow haha! I played some foot ball with the local kids and they taught me how to dance! They are so much fun haha i love them. Other  than that, not much else has really happened this week, i sang in sacrament meeting this week with the choir, and we are now practicing for our christmas concert! Im having so much fun out here, and i am learning a ton of new things! President suggested that i read the Book of Mormon and pick out all the doctrine in each chapter, and record what i learn from every chapter. It is so sweet, and i have learned more stuff than ever. I LOVE the Book of Mormon. Its amazing. I would suggest reading in 1st Nephi 16 and just picking out all the different doctrines, and really looking deep into the chapter. Anyhow, thats whats going on up here in Nebraska! Its slowly getting colder around here! But its still the same old beautiful place! Hopefully i have more to write about next week, But thats all for now! I love you!!


Elder Kirby

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