Monday, October 31, 2016

So much fun!!

Hello family, so nice to hear from you all this week, I have been thinking about yall a lot! I sure do love you!

So my first week as a trainer was so much fun! Elder Buxton is the man!  He is so funny, and I even convinced him to sing with me in the regional choir! We have seen a bunch of miracles, we have been praying to find a family to teach, and we found TWO!!! I am so jacked! I was no kidding dancing down the street after we taught them! SO SO COOL. Other than that, nothing all that crazy happened last week. But its whatever haha! I also got to rip off the siding of an old house this week, and that was a ton of fun! So today, my MTC companion came down with his new greenie from Hastings to spend the night with us for a meeting we have tomorrow! So we are going to play some ball and party because we have to be in our house by 6:00 tonight. Its so nice to see Elder Russell. Other than that, just another normal week! I really love Papillion, I wish I could spend my two years here! Its just an amazing town with amazing people. We have a big week coming up. We have the opportunity to study with President Gardner on Wednesday morning at our house. That should be really cool! And then that same day we get to go on exchanges with the AP's! and I am super pumped about that. I just love being out here. Every second is the best.  Seriously, I cant stop smiling! and I cant explain how much fun I am having! Life is too short to not smile everyday!! There is always a reason to smile, you just have to look for it. Anyhow, that was my week, next week I will have a ton more to write about!

Elder Kirby

Questions from family:

Have you eaten anything odd?  I ate pickled okra a few weeks ago, and that was interesting!

Do you workout?  We run and lift weights almost everyday.

Do you spend more time walking or driving?  We drive a lot more than we walk, except when we are short on miles!

Have you ate any corn? (hahaha)  We eat corn at every meal!!!

Any tornado's?  Only one tornado so far! (mom note: He is sad about that, I reminded him he is not a storm chaser)

What's been your favorite moment so far?  Catching a pig and a goat!

                                          Elder Russell and I emailing home!

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