Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Hey Fam, Im happy to be able to write you again, i sure miss you guys! 

This week was good, not very eventful, but good nonetheless! So this week, i got a flu shot. And the only reason i did, was because Target was giving $5 gift cards to anyone who got one there, so i decided to take one for the team so i could get some chips and a gatorade. It was a sacrifice well worth it. The only other really cool thing i did was at farm friday this week, i got to play with a scythe!! it was so much fun! i cut down a bunch of Sweet potato plants so we could dig them up easier! We dug up over 100 pounds of sweet potatoes by hand. I got a pretty sweet blister from that, but oh well haha! We are going out to teach the Dodds tonight after we E mail. Lets see, So this week, i finished my "12 week training" so i am finally done being trained!! Thank goodness, The only bad thing about that, is on wednesday we start a new transfer, so Elder George might be leaving me! Ill be sad if he goes, because he is a really great missionary, and has taught me a ton! but you never know, i could even be the one leaving Papillion! we dont find out until tomorrow morning! OH YEAH!! WE WENT TO THE ZOO TODAY!!! it was so much fun and so cool! it is voted the best zoo in the nation for a reason! it is so cool! i loved it! There are so many cool animals and different things to do! its all indoors, and has like a giant desert dome and a huge aquarium as well! definately one of the coolest things i have ever done! We had a blast! Anyhow, that kinda wraps up my week as far as cool things that happened, it is starting to get kinda slow around here! But we are still working hard! i got a weight set from Matt, and i have been lifting everyday! my legs were so tired today that i could barely walk up our stairs! Haha i was getting kinda chubby though! Well that wraps up my week, im still having a ton of fun out here! Hopefully more fun stories next week! we get to take out new missionaries tomorrow! so that will be fun! Anyhow more to come next week!

Elder Kirby

Ride em' cowboy

Omaha zoo

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