Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Happy Turkey Week!!!

Happy turkey week haha.So my week was actually pretty uneventful, nothing too crazy happened on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday, we went running again with pops at 5:30 in the morning, it was freezing ,but I wore my tights so I was pretty warm! It was a good run, we did 4 and a half miles about. After that, we went on exchanges with our district leader Elder Arnold, so I actually got to go to the city just outside of Papillion called Bellevue. I went with Elder Arnold, and we listened to the mission wide conference call and got charged to go do some work. So we started out in a run down area in Bellevue, and we just started walking, we ended up teaching 4 people along the way, and it was awesome. We found our way to the "super Mercado" which is just a giant Mexican Wal-Mart. Where we took a rest and drank some Horchata and bought some Mexican soda. Then we went trekking again. We actually ended up in a really rough area of town, like the kind where you have to check your back all the time and really pay attention. Apparently there was a guy who was shot and another who was stabbed in the same complex haha. It was so much fun to be there and talk to all the Gangsters, some of them were smoking weed and told us not to come over, so we just kept walking. Well when we got back to the car after having walked about 5 miles, we decided now was the time to drink our sodas and sit for a sec. Well unfortunately it was a bottle where you had to pop the top off, and we didn't have a bottle opener, so I decided that a penny was the next best thing. Turns out pennies suck. I gashed my finger and had to deal with blood all over everything, and Elder Arnold spilled his all over his lap and all over my car, so that was great too. I sure do like Elder Arnold, he is from Wyoming and is a huge horn hunter. He paid for most of his mission that way! Anyhow, I stayed the night with him and then ended our exchange on Thanksgiving at district meeting. After our meeting, we went to walmart to buy pies to take to the Dodds farm for Thanksgiving. Which was amazing, we had a freshly killed turkey and tons of other awesome food. Jonathans parents were there, as well as some family friends and us! it was so much fun, and I definitely had a great thanksgiving! It was a little different, but it was fun because I consider the Dodds family anyhow haha!

Friday we went out and helped J chop some wood, because he has some back problems. HOLY CRAP, the wood was so green that we had to just drive the axe in and then pound it with a sledge hammer. It was so crazy. However, we chopped about a whole chord and stacked it for him! so that was way fun! Then not too much else happened, our investigator  came to church this week, and we think he had a lot of fun! we are seeing him this week! Other than that, not too much else happened this week, we went disc golfing today and then played some basketball! It was a ton of fun! Transfers are in two days, I will most likely stay here until I finish training Elder Buxton. But we get to take out new missionaries tomorrow, so that will be fun as always! Anyhow, thank you for all of the thanksgiving wishes! I love you!

Love Elder Kirby

 Gangster Cowboy
 Elder Arnold and I
 District Meeting
Cut finger


1. Where did you go for Thanksgiving?   We went to the farm, and had a district meeting.

2. How are your shoes holding up?  Shoes are doing well, definitely wore in, but doing well!

3. How has your mission changed your life so far?  My mission has changed my life in a ton of different ways, one of the biggest ways is by learning to study the scriptures and applying them to my life. They are an amazing blessing.

4. Have you had much time to Christmas shop?  Not much time for shopping at all. We are really busy here in Papillion!

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