Tuesday, August 29, 2017


This week was a fast one! Time just seems to fly by. This week was a lot of running around and teaching! Heavenly Father blessed us this week by guiding us to some new amazing families! We have been able to teach and testify so much in this past week. We are seeing some pretty amazing miracles as well. One of them this week, Penny our 80 year old investigator came to church. It was a big step for her, and she loved it and told us that she loved it. We also had two other sweet investigators come to church this week! It was truly a miracle! The members out here are outstanding, we have been able to have a lot of good fellowship for our investigators. And it is really helping them progress! Members are everything! Elder Roos and I have been having a blast, and working as hard as we can, our Zone is seeing lots of sweet miracles, and the work is heating up out here! We are excited for the future. Honestly there wasnt too much else that happened this week. Just working hard and having a blast! We have zone conference this coming week. So that will be fun! I also found out that I still suck at golf this morning. However we found a sweet disc golf course! So we will be playing that pretty often! Anyhow, Keep Smiling and have a good week. I am so thankful for you all, and love you! Have a great week

"why did the duck get kicked out of class?"
--Because he was quacking up--

Elder Kirby

 North Platte District
 Diva cup
Chocolate milk keeps us movin!

Monday, August 21, 2017

nebraska eclipse

This week was a week that I will never forget. We had an amazing week of finding, as well as an awesome exchange with the Sutherland Elders. Things here are blowing up! we are working harder than ever, and we are staying pretty busy. The highlight of this week for me believe it or not, wasn't the eclipse. We had the opportunity to gather as a mission and meet and learn from President Russel M. Nelson!! The president of the quorum of the twelve Apostles. As a mission we memorized the living christ to recite for him as he walked in the door. When he did, and we began to offer our testimony of our Savior, he stopped and watched. I could barely speak through the tears that came to my eyes. The spirit was so strong. After that he said with a laugh " I told you to  read it. I didnt expect you to memorize it." it was so funny. I got to shake his hand, and then we got to hear from him for an hour, as well as his sweet wife. I learned so many things from him. I can testify that he truly is an Apostle of the Lord. He left us all with his blessing, and he went on to do another broadcast. It is an experience thatI will never forget.

The rest of this week was awesome! one of the miracles from this week!

We prayed to be led to someone who's family on the other side was waiting to accept the gospel. And as we were walking down the street, we stopped to talk with one of our potential investigators. We started talking to her and a car rolled up, two ladies got out of the car and started our direction. They introduced themselves, and we began to talk with them. One of them  opened up to us about her family situation and how she recently lost her father in law and her mother. She began to cry as I testified of eternal families. Then she started to ask what happens after this life, and telling me she doesnt really know her purpose in life. So I told her how the Book of Mormon answers all those questions. She had explained a little bit about her current relationship with her husband as well, so I felt impressed to mark the page with the question of the soul "how can I find peace in my family" and I told her "this spot will teach you how you and your husband can find peace in your relationship.
She paused and looked at me and said..."how did you know?" She then explained how her husband has PTSD and is struggling a lot. She started to cry as I testified about the Book of Mormon being able to help her and her husband regain that peace...That experience changed my life. I know that I was led to her for a reason, and I am so greatful that the Holy Ghost led and guided our words that day. It was the most amazing and uplifting experience I have had. It helped me realize my purpose.

Things are going really well for us, Elder Roos and I are working hard. Seeing the eclipse today was awesome. What a wonderful world we live in created by our Heavenly Father. For us to enjoy. I am looking forward to this week! Liz is planning on being baptized on the 9th of this month! so that is going to be exciting. Thank you to everyone for your love and support. My prayers are with you always.

Elder Kirby
 Thanks for the shades mom
 This is how we eclipse in Nebraska
 You better be watching


* mom note:  I was able to watch a recording posted by the mission of all 200 missionaries reciting "The Living Christ" from memory to Elder Russell M Nelson. It brought tears to my eyes and goosebumps up and down my arms. Thankful for his and all missionaries service!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Lotsa pictures and rain

This week was definately one to remember, Elder Brinkerhoff and I drove up to Omaha to transfer point, where I got to see everybody one last time.Then unfortunately we parted ways..sad day.. however, I love my new companion Elder Roos, he is so awesome, he is from Layton Utah and has been on his mission for 18 months now. We have been so blessed with miracles this week, I can't even describe them all. To make a long story short, Heavenly Father has led us to some amazing individuals and families. We have taught the restoration so many times, and the spirit has been so strong. We are looking forward to teaching a lot of new people, and helping them find the joy in the gospel. We are a pretty good team! 

This week we had such a crazy rain storm, it downpoured to the point that we couldn't even see the road...and wouldn't you know it, we got caught outside in it! we got drenched. It didnt stop us from teaching a lesson on the porch though! It was awesome! Things are going really well out here,I am looking forward to Elder Nelson on the 19th of this month. It is going to be straight cash.

Anyhow, I love you all, and appreciate everthing you do. Have a great week! and Keep Smiling!

Elder Kirby

 The old crew. Elder Luke is standing between his trainer and trainee.
 Elder George, Elder Kirby's trainer, heads home!
 Good ol Elder Kendrick
 Saying goodbye to Elder Brinkerhoff
 Meet my new comp Elder Roos
Old time celebration for pioneer day.
They only managed seriousness for one picture. Gotta love those smiles!!

Monday, August 7, 2017


Well...we got a call from President Gardner last night... it went like this 
ME: "hello this is Elder Kirby and Elder Brinkerhoff"

Pres: "Hello this is President Gardner"

ME: "oh no...Elder Brinkerhoff isn't leaving me is he?"

Pres: "hahaha yes he is"

ME: "dang it"

Pres: "dang it?"

ME: "I mean that's ok."

So that sucks, but I guess it had to end at some point. It has been the funnest transfers ever. I will sure miss Elder Brinkerhoff. But I am excited to say that my new companion is Elder Roos! he was my first district leader, then my Zone Leader, and now we are comps! I am super excited to have him come out. This week was good, we  drove up to Omaha again for MLC, it was super awesome! We had some really good training on using the Book of Mormon in creative ways. It was great, and I am really excited to implement it in my teaching. Also we have been preparing for Russel M Nelson to come to our mission this month. It is going to be awesome! We have been teaching some really cool people, and working with an awesome part member family, and are hoping to set the kids for baptism this week! They are awesome!  Also another highlight of the week.....I am a proud owner of a pineapple plant. Liz our investigator got it for us, because I always mention hers when we teach her! It is awesome. His name is Lane. Brink also elbowed me in the face this week while racing, so I have a fat lip lol. Good times. He also got his ingrown toenail cut out today, and I got to watch! It was super awesome!! Anyhow, not too much else is going on, just working hard every day! I love North Platte. Its one of my favorite places. I am looking forward to this next transfer! Love you all, have a great week! 

Elder Kirby

Fat lip

*This was part of an email that Elder Kirby sent me last week, I thought I'd share and extend the challenge to anyone who wanted to read the Book of Mormon and share there thoughts with Elder Kirby!

Satan waged a war in Heaven. In which he lost terribly. He was cast out, and became angry with the Sons and Daughters of God who chose to follow the Plan of Happiness. Satan has declared war on us here on Earth. He tempts us every single day. In order to win this war we have to have our guns filled with spiritual ammunition. We should carry a magazine full of the rounds of Repentance. To cut down the adversary. We should also carry magazines of the Doctrine of Christ. We should have our belts full with another magazine of sacred covenants.

These are the rounds and tools we use to win the war and cut down the adversary. Now, sometimes we may be wounded, we are going to get hit. The Atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the soothing medical attention we need to continue on in the fight. If at times you feel that you have fired all your shots and you are helpless and alone. Those are the times you throw everything you have at satan. Throw your gun, unstrap you helmet and throw it. Heck take of your boots and chuck them at him!! whatever it takes to win. We are on the winning side, but we do not want any casualties. We fight as a team. Especially us as a family. WE ARE A TEAM. Watch each others backs, stand tall and ready at all times to defend the faith.

 I'll give you a my thoughts concerning how we will strategize to win this war.. READ THE BOOK OF MORMON. Not only does it outline our game plan, but we have satans right in front of us too! He is completely exposed! all of his lies and deciet are unfolded right before us! I promise you as a representative of our Savior Jesus Christ, that if you read the Book of Mormon every single day you will find answers to your questions, you will find safety for the soul, and you will be protected by the spirit of God. Please take my challenge seriously to read the Book of Mormon by Christmas. I love you all too much to not share my love of the scriptures with you. Sometimes we receive blessings we don't recognize They will still come, but we have to do our part. I love you all so much. Have a great week.