Tuesday, August 29, 2017


This week was a fast one! Time just seems to fly by. This week was a lot of running around and teaching! Heavenly Father blessed us this week by guiding us to some new amazing families! We have been able to teach and testify so much in this past week. We are seeing some pretty amazing miracles as well. One of them this week, Penny our 80 year old investigator came to church. It was a big step for her, and she loved it and told us that she loved it. We also had two other sweet investigators come to church this week! It was truly a miracle! The members out here are outstanding, we have been able to have a lot of good fellowship for our investigators. And it is really helping them progress! Members are everything! Elder Roos and I have been having a blast, and working as hard as we can, our Zone is seeing lots of sweet miracles, and the work is heating up out here! We are excited for the future. Honestly there wasnt too much else that happened this week. Just working hard and having a blast! We have zone conference this coming week. So that will be fun! I also found out that I still suck at golf this morning. However we found a sweet disc golf course! So we will be playing that pretty often! Anyhow, Keep Smiling and have a good week. I am so thankful for you all, and love you! Have a great week

"why did the duck get kicked out of class?"
--Because he was quacking up--

Elder Kirby

 North Platte District
 Diva cup
Chocolate milk keeps us movin!

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