Monday, August 14, 2017

Lotsa pictures and rain

This week was definately one to remember, Elder Brinkerhoff and I drove up to Omaha to transfer point, where I got to see everybody one last time.Then unfortunately we parted ways..sad day.. however, I love my new companion Elder Roos, he is so awesome, he is from Layton Utah and has been on his mission for 18 months now. We have been so blessed with miracles this week, I can't even describe them all. To make a long story short, Heavenly Father has led us to some amazing individuals and families. We have taught the restoration so many times, and the spirit has been so strong. We are looking forward to teaching a lot of new people, and helping them find the joy in the gospel. We are a pretty good team! 

This week we had such a crazy rain storm, it downpoured to the point that we couldn't even see the road...and wouldn't you know it, we got caught outside in it! we got drenched. It didnt stop us from teaching a lesson on the porch though! It was awesome! Things are going really well out here,I am looking forward to Elder Nelson on the 19th of this month. It is going to be straight cash.

Anyhow, I love you all, and appreciate everthing you do. Have a great week! and Keep Smiling!

Elder Kirby

 The old crew. Elder Luke is standing between his trainer and trainee.
 Elder George, Elder Kirby's trainer, heads home!
 Good ol Elder Kendrick
 Saying goodbye to Elder Brinkerhoff
 Meet my new comp Elder Roos
Old time celebration for pioneer day.
They only managed seriousness for one picture. Gotta love those smiles!!

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