Monday, August 7, 2017


Well...we got a call from President Gardner last night... it went like this 
ME: "hello this is Elder Kirby and Elder Brinkerhoff"

Pres: "Hello this is President Gardner"

ME: "oh no...Elder Brinkerhoff isn't leaving me is he?"

Pres: "hahaha yes he is"

ME: "dang it"

Pres: "dang it?"

ME: "I mean that's ok."

So that sucks, but I guess it had to end at some point. It has been the funnest transfers ever. I will sure miss Elder Brinkerhoff. But I am excited to say that my new companion is Elder Roos! he was my first district leader, then my Zone Leader, and now we are comps! I am super excited to have him come out. This week was good, we  drove up to Omaha again for MLC, it was super awesome! We had some really good training on using the Book of Mormon in creative ways. It was great, and I am really excited to implement it in my teaching. Also we have been preparing for Russel M Nelson to come to our mission this month. It is going to be awesome! We have been teaching some really cool people, and working with an awesome part member family, and are hoping to set the kids for baptism this week! They are awesome!  Also another highlight of the week.....I am a proud owner of a pineapple plant. Liz our investigator got it for us, because I always mention hers when we teach her! It is awesome. His name is Lane. Brink also elbowed me in the face this week while racing, so I have a fat lip lol. Good times. He also got his ingrown toenail cut out today, and I got to watch! It was super awesome!! Anyhow, not too much else is going on, just working hard every day! I love North Platte. Its one of my favorite places. I am looking forward to this next transfer! Love you all, have a great week! 

Elder Kirby

Fat lip

*This was part of an email that Elder Kirby sent me last week, I thought I'd share and extend the challenge to anyone who wanted to read the Book of Mormon and share there thoughts with Elder Kirby!

Satan waged a war in Heaven. In which he lost terribly. He was cast out, and became angry with the Sons and Daughters of God who chose to follow the Plan of Happiness. Satan has declared war on us here on Earth. He tempts us every single day. In order to win this war we have to have our guns filled with spiritual ammunition. We should carry a magazine full of the rounds of Repentance. To cut down the adversary. We should also carry magazines of the Doctrine of Christ. We should have our belts full with another magazine of sacred covenants.

These are the rounds and tools we use to win the war and cut down the adversary. Now, sometimes we may be wounded, we are going to get hit. The Atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the soothing medical attention we need to continue on in the fight. If at times you feel that you have fired all your shots and you are helpless and alone. Those are the times you throw everything you have at satan. Throw your gun, unstrap you helmet and throw it. Heck take of your boots and chuck them at him!! whatever it takes to win. We are on the winning side, but we do not want any casualties. We fight as a team. Especially us as a family. WE ARE A TEAM. Watch each others backs, stand tall and ready at all times to defend the faith.

 I'll give you a my thoughts concerning how we will strategize to win this war.. READ THE BOOK OF MORMON. Not only does it outline our game plan, but we have satans right in front of us too! He is completely exposed! all of his lies and deciet are unfolded right before us! I promise you as a representative of our Savior Jesus Christ, that if you read the Book of Mormon every single day you will find answers to your questions, you will find safety for the soul, and you will be protected by the spirit of God. Please take my challenge seriously to read the Book of Mormon by Christmas. I love you all too much to not share my love of the scriptures with you. Sometimes we receive blessings we don't recognize They will still come, but we have to do our part. I love you all so much. Have a great week. 

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