Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas and forts

Merry Christmas everyone! Thank you all for all of your gifts and well wishes! I appreciate and love you all! I hope that you had a merry Christmas, it was good out here in Omaha! We went caroling as a Zone on Christmas Eve, and we were able to see so many cool miracles being guided by the spirit to those who needed some Christmas cheer! It snowed just in time too! We had a nice and chilly white Christmas this year! It was also good to get to talk to the family! I wish I could have talked with you all! I love the Christmas season, it gives us a great opportunity to remember the greatest gift of all, our Savior. I enjoyed being able to remember Him, and why we celebrate Christmas, and reflect upon all of the gifts that I have received because of Him. I am so grateful for His sacrifice, for His life, and for His resurrection. I think that the greatest gift that any of us could give Him is our gratitude. He gave so freely for us and asked for nothing in return. By reading our scriptures and praying, repenting daily, and partaking of the sacrament, we show our gratitude for the greatest gift ever given. I would invite each of you as the new year approaches to set goals and plans on how you will show your gratitude to the Savior. Because I know that as you set your goals with faith, that you will recieve strength to grow and change this coming year. I promise you that a new sense of peace and joy will enter into your life as you repent and sincerely change everyday. Life is a constant process of becoming one with our Father, and the only way we can accomplish that vision is through the Savior. Again, thank you all for your prayers, support, and gifts. I love you and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 
Elder Kirby

Alma 7:11-13

Monday, December 18, 2017

flat tires and Fontenelle

Hello! Holy cow, my first week in Fontenelle ward was so crazy. Things are a lot different here compared to North Platte! I went from corn fields to sky scrapers. The work here is progressing so much though, and i am loving both of my companions. Trios are definitely the way to go. Our area is crazy, lots of using the freeways to get around, and lots of people to talk to. We had a couple kids this week come up to us and yell at us, and then were throwing little rocks at us. They didn't hit us lol, but it was so funny. Also, it seems like everyone here has a giant pitbull haha. Overall, I am having a ton of fun, the ward is awesome, most of the people here are from Pocatello going to dental school! Is always nice to see Idahomies. So on the way from North Platte to Omaha, I was riding in the transfer van with about 6 other missionaries, and Elder Brinkerhoff was driving. Somehow, the fender on the trailer fell off, and wrapped itself in the wheels, and popped one of our tires. So we had to pull over. So Elder Burbank, Brinkerhoff, and myself jumped out to fix it on the side of the freeway. Well we got it unstuck, but we had to drop the trailer. So I ended up getting all of my luggage and study material the next day! It was crazy haha! We have 7 Elders in our ward, 4 of them are Karen speaking Elders from Burma. They are a hoot, i love them. Fontenelle is definitely one of my favorite areas so far! Its always something new everyday! Anyhow I am doing well, and I am excited for Christmas to come this week! We have Zone Conference on Wednesday! We are all hyped for it! Anyhow, I wish you all a merry Christmas

Love Elder Kirby

D&C 63:63 
Rev. 6:5 

My trio and the Karen speaking Elders

Monday, December 11, 2017

moving to Omaha

So calls came in from President Gardner last night...I am being transferred back to Omaha, to the Fontenelle ward! I am really excited to go back to Omaha for Christmas though! However, I am really sad to be leaving North Platte, I am truly going to miss this area and all of the amazing members and investigators. But I am looking forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for me in Omaha! This week was relatively mellow, we had some great lessons with our progressing investigator families! They are all doing so well, and really soaking up the gospel. We got to go on Exchanges with the Lexington Spanish Elders this week, and it was so much fun, we froze our butts off, and Satan tested our patience, but overall, we were still able to do good things and find people to teach. The ward party this week was so much fun! We dressed up as ancient missionaries. It was great to have the members fellowship our investigators, and develop friendships! We also went caroling with the ward to light the world this week, it was an amazing opportunity to feel the spirit, and to touch others lives, it was definitely something that I won't soon forget. Anyhow, this week seemed to just fly by, I cant believe it! I am so grateful for every day that I have to serve my Heavenly Father, and to bring His message to my brothers and sisters. There is no greater work we can do than that of our Heavenly Fathers. Look for opportunities so share everywhere you go, especially this time of year when the spirit of Christ is so prevalent. Thank you so much for all of your love and support, I hope you have a good week, more to come next week im sure! I love you!

Elder Kirby

 The zone
 Early Christmas
I got no explanation for this photo, so enjoy a bunch of peacocks from Elder Kirby!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Hello Everyone, this week was a good week, its starting to get cold here again! It's been really nice lately! Monday was good, we had the Mccook Elders and the Sutherland Elders down to play disc golf. We had a blast! Tuesday we had exchanges with the Grand  Island Spanish Elders went with Elder Haight who is from southern California! We had a blast, he is definitely one of my favorite missionaries. We were able to talk to some pretty interesting people, but find some really great people to teach as well. Wednesday for us was another normal day of missionary work! And then Thursday we took off to Omaha to go to MLC, so we drove to Grand Island to stop and do a baptism interview for the Elders there, and then we took off again! Once we got to the Assistants apartment, we stayed the night with Elder Buxton and Osborn as well as Elder Brinkerhoff and Elder Burbank. Then Friday was MLC, and it was fantastic, President gave an amazing training on real intent behind taking the sacrament, as well as our missionary work. It was really awesome! The rest of Friday was spent driving home just in time to help some of our investigators move into their new apartment, which happens to be the same complex we live at! They are an amazing family, they came to church this Sunday, and had a great time. It was awesome to see the spirit work on them as we were asking them inspired questions, Mel opened up a lot with her concerns, and we were able to help her answer her questions! it was really cool! Sunday was awesome, we had quite a few of our investigators at church! It was a really great meeting! We are looking forward to working with all of them the next few weeks. Other adventures of this week included Elder Towne cleaning up my hair and cutting my neck with the clippers, and also having a nerf war with a member family after a dinner appointment. it was an overall great week! I am so thankful to be in Heavenly Fathers service, especially around this Christmas season. Have a great week, talk  to you again soon. love ya!

Elder Kirby

 disc golf
 when your companion gives you a haircut
reunited with Brinkerhoff