Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas and forts

Merry Christmas everyone! Thank you all for all of your gifts and well wishes! I appreciate and love you all! I hope that you had a merry Christmas, it was good out here in Omaha! We went caroling as a Zone on Christmas Eve, and we were able to see so many cool miracles being guided by the spirit to those who needed some Christmas cheer! It snowed just in time too! We had a nice and chilly white Christmas this year! It was also good to get to talk to the family! I wish I could have talked with you all! I love the Christmas season, it gives us a great opportunity to remember the greatest gift of all, our Savior. I enjoyed being able to remember Him, and why we celebrate Christmas, and reflect upon all of the gifts that I have received because of Him. I am so grateful for His sacrifice, for His life, and for His resurrection. I think that the greatest gift that any of us could give Him is our gratitude. He gave so freely for us and asked for nothing in return. By reading our scriptures and praying, repenting daily, and partaking of the sacrament, we show our gratitude for the greatest gift ever given. I would invite each of you as the new year approaches to set goals and plans on how you will show your gratitude to the Savior. Because I know that as you set your goals with faith, that you will recieve strength to grow and change this coming year. I promise you that a new sense of peace and joy will enter into your life as you repent and sincerely change everyday. Life is a constant process of becoming one with our Father, and the only way we can accomplish that vision is through the Savior. Again, thank you all for your prayers, support, and gifts. I love you and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 
Elder Kirby

Alma 7:11-13

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