Monday, December 11, 2017

moving to Omaha

So calls came in from President Gardner last night...I am being transferred back to Omaha, to the Fontenelle ward! I am really excited to go back to Omaha for Christmas though! However, I am really sad to be leaving North Platte, I am truly going to miss this area and all of the amazing members and investigators. But I am looking forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for me in Omaha! This week was relatively mellow, we had some great lessons with our progressing investigator families! They are all doing so well, and really soaking up the gospel. We got to go on Exchanges with the Lexington Spanish Elders this week, and it was so much fun, we froze our butts off, and Satan tested our patience, but overall, we were still able to do good things and find people to teach. The ward party this week was so much fun! We dressed up as ancient missionaries. It was great to have the members fellowship our investigators, and develop friendships! We also went caroling with the ward to light the world this week, it was an amazing opportunity to feel the spirit, and to touch others lives, it was definitely something that I won't soon forget. Anyhow, this week seemed to just fly by, I cant believe it! I am so grateful for every day that I have to serve my Heavenly Father, and to bring His message to my brothers and sisters. There is no greater work we can do than that of our Heavenly Fathers. Look for opportunities so share everywhere you go, especially this time of year when the spirit of Christ is so prevalent. Thank you so much for all of your love and support, I hope you have a good week, more to come next week im sure! I love you!

Elder Kirby

 The zone
 Early Christmas
I got no explanation for this photo, so enjoy a bunch of peacocks from Elder Kirby!

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