Monday, December 18, 2017

flat tires and Fontenelle

Hello! Holy cow, my first week in Fontenelle ward was so crazy. Things are a lot different here compared to North Platte! I went from corn fields to sky scrapers. The work here is progressing so much though, and i am loving both of my companions. Trios are definitely the way to go. Our area is crazy, lots of using the freeways to get around, and lots of people to talk to. We had a couple kids this week come up to us and yell at us, and then were throwing little rocks at us. They didn't hit us lol, but it was so funny. Also, it seems like everyone here has a giant pitbull haha. Overall, I am having a ton of fun, the ward is awesome, most of the people here are from Pocatello going to dental school! Is always nice to see Idahomies. So on the way from North Platte to Omaha, I was riding in the transfer van with about 6 other missionaries, and Elder Brinkerhoff was driving. Somehow, the fender on the trailer fell off, and wrapped itself in the wheels, and popped one of our tires. So we had to pull over. So Elder Burbank, Brinkerhoff, and myself jumped out to fix it on the side of the freeway. Well we got it unstuck, but we had to drop the trailer. So I ended up getting all of my luggage and study material the next day! It was crazy haha! We have 7 Elders in our ward, 4 of them are Karen speaking Elders from Burma. They are a hoot, i love them. Fontenelle is definitely one of my favorite areas so far! Its always something new everyday! Anyhow I am doing well, and I am excited for Christmas to come this week! We have Zone Conference on Wednesday! We are all hyped for it! Anyhow, I wish you all a merry Christmas

Love Elder Kirby

D&C 63:63 
Rev. 6:5 

My trio and the Karen speaking Elders

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