Monday, June 18, 2018

Do rags

Hello everyone, 

This week went so fast, but it was so good! We had a lot of cool things happen this week, we went on exchanges, biked a ton of miles, and found an abandoned bridge! Needless to say this week was legendary. I wanted to share a miracle that I thought was pretty sweet. So on Tuesday Elder Winfree and I were riding bikes, and we rode to this area I felt impressed to go to, and when we were riding up, we passed a car with two individuals in it who both waved as we rode by. We reached the end of the road, and we both felt like we should be somewhere else, and on top of that Elder Winfree had left his bag at a previous appointment down the road a little ways, we concluded that we would try somewhere else, but I said "we need to come back here" I wasnt really sure why, but I knew we needed to be there. We had exchanges the next day, and Elder Brinkerhoff and I found ourselves back in that same neighborhood. We started to find, and not soon after, we knocked on a door at the end of the street, and a woman walked out and I immediatly recognized her as one of the individuals who was in the car the day before. She went on to tell us all about all of the problems she was having, and how she had been searching for the truth. She asked questions about why there was so many churches and why there was so many different bibles. We taught her all about the Savior, and about Heavenly Father and why he called prophets, and what it would mean for her to know that there was a prophet on the Earth today. The spirit was really strong, as we gave her a Book of Mormon and invited her to read from Mosiah chapter two to learn how she could find peace in this life. It was so cool to see how Heavenly Father delayed us the first day, because the prepared person wasnt home, but that he led us back so that we could teach her. Since then, she called the next morning during studies, and asked "do you have your Book of Mormon in front of you?" and she proceeded to ask us questions about what she had read. It was so awesome to be able to meet and teach this lady that day. I know that Heavenly Father really has His hand in this work, and he truly leads us to those who are prepared. So we have been car fasting a little extra this week, and we decided to ride bikes everywhere, and in doing so we rode a TON of miles this week, we even rode to Iowa lol. We are seeing some cool miracles here though, Raynette came to church again this week, and loved it. We set her for baptism on June 30th. She has been progressing so fast, and is truly prepared. We have been spending a lot of time in whats called "Little Italy" its a super old part of Omaha, and in doing so, we came across an abandoned train bridge in the middle of the city. It was pretty neat, and made for some good pictures. Overall, things have been going well here. Elder Brinkerhoff, Elder Stevenette, and I are planning on singing in zone conference this coming week, so that is going to be interesting haha! Anyhow, I hope that you all have a good week, I love you and am so grateful for the love and support. I will see you all soon!


Elder Kirby

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