Monday, June 4, 2018

have miracles ceased?

Hello everyone,

This week was legendary, Elder Winfree and I threw down this week, with the help of Heavenly Father of course. We were led to six new investigators this week, who are so prepared. So needless to say, we have been keeping very busy and working as hard as we can. We saw some pretty amazing miracles this week. One that i thought was so cool happened on Thursday, as we were driving, i felt impressed to go down a certain street, so we pulled down and parked. And as we were saying the prayer, i had a thought come to my mind to go to the second door on the right. So we got out and started talking to some people, and didnt have much luck, but i told Elder Winfree about the prompting I had, and we went to the second house on the street. When we knocked, we were greeted by a man that immediately said "come on in Elders." We were a little surprised, but we went in and this nice man sat us down and gave us water. And then he explained that he had met with missionaries before and was almost baptized. So we started to teach him about the gospel, and he continued to say that he was looking for truth. We had a powerful lesson with him and his wife that day, and then we met him again later on in the week. And had another awesome lesson. It was definitely a miracle and i was so thankful to receive that prompting. We also got a random call this week as we were driving, and we talked to a lady who at first introduced herself as a member of the church, she said that she wanted to meet with us. We set up an appointment, and when we were headed to meet with her, she told us to bring an extra Book of Mormon because she had a friend who was looking to change churches. When we got to where we were meeting up, we started asking both of these ladies questions, and come to find out that the lady who called is actually an investigator who is totally converted, but cant be baptized yet because of probation. And the other lady, told us that lately she has been feeling disconnected from Heavenly Father, and she wanted Him back in her life. She told us that she was seeking the truth about which church to join because she wanted to go somewhere where she could feel at home. We taught both of them, and had an amazing lesson. And we met them again later in the week, and set one of them for baptism on the sixteenth. She is the sweetest lady in the world, she prepared for the sacrament all week, and came to church this Sunday, where i know that she had a powerful spiritual experience. We are so excited to continue to meet with her in the future as she prepares for baptism. And lastly we had another cool experience. As we were driving to go finding, i had a thought to go to seventh street, so we did, and it was a kind of sketchy dead end road that didnt have a whole lot of houses on it. We got out and began to find. We didnt have much luck, and even got yelled at by a guy, but we continued up the street. We saw a young family outside with their daughter, and we stopped to talk with them. At first they told us they weren't interested, but then we talked about eternal marriage for some reason, and they told us that they were actually engaged to be married. That was awesome in and of itself, but it peaked their interest, and we were able to teach. They opened up to us about how they were seeking to know truth, and they shared some personal experiences with us that we were able to use to teach and testify of the restored gospel. So what was someone who wasnt interested turned into new investigators who accepted copies of the Book of Mormon, and a return appointment. This whole week was so amazing. We are definitely being so blessed by our Heavenly Father. I am loving every second of serving here in Fontenelle, Elder Winfree and I are also having a ton of fun together, he did Ju Jitsu so we roll around a little bit every now and again. It is awesome. Anyhow all is well here in Nebraska! I cant believe that we are in to June now!! With that being said HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEK MOM! I hope that you all have an amazing week, i love and appreciate you! 

Elder Kirby

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