Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Hello everyone,

This email will be a little short because we are emailing from the Church because everywhere else is closed! I hope you all had as good of a week as we did! It was so hot this week, and I had the bright idea to tell my comps to put on tanning oil for our car fast day!! Needless to say we got fried...it was a long hot day, but we were able to talk to so many people! We had a lot of fun trekking around. We were able to see Lisa multiple times this week, she is doing so well with quitting smoking. She also came to church this week, and loved it. She is so prepared and her heart is so changed, I love to see the light in her eyes every time we go over. We also found an awesome family this week, last night we stopped by our recent converts house, and he wasn't home,  but we saw a guy outside and I felt like we needed to talk to him, so we approached him and introduced ourselves, and asked if we could share our message more with him, and he invited us right inside. We sat down and began to teach him, and he explained how he had a hole in his heart that he didn't know how to fill, we testified of the Book of Mormon, and taught him the restoration, and as we paused after we shared the first vision, he just sat there and was like...wow...it was so powerful. He said that he would come to church so that we can teach him and his family. It was so amazing!! This week I also got to see Paul from North Platte, he came up to do baptisms in the temple, and I got invited to go with him. And much to my surprise when I got there I was asked to do some baptisms because of the lack of people in the group. It was such an awesome experience. Sadly we got transfer calls this morning, I am staying for my 5th transfer. Both of my companions are being transferred, so that is sad, but my new comp is from Rexburg his name is Elder Winfree, he did a few years of college before and he is a really good missionary! I can't believe how fast time is going, it makes me sick, but I know that it will be a good thing. I am looking forward to seeing you all! I hope that you have a great week! I love you! 

Elder Kirby 

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