Monday, November 7, 2016

Crazy Good Week

So my week was crazy good. First off, on Halloween my MTC companion came down to spend the night with us because of our meeting the next day, and we had so much fun! I haven't laughed that hard in a really long time. The next day, we went to our Trainer meeting, and It was really cool and really fun! It was about the same as when I was being trained haha. Wednesday was one of the crazy coolest days of my mission. So to start off, President Gardner called and said he would like to come study with us in the morning. Of course we said that would be awesome. So president comes and sits down with us at 8 and teaches us personal lessons, and helps us make SWEET lesson plans for our investigators! It was probably one of the coolest and most spiritual experiences of my life. And the best part is, our day got even better. We were lucky enough to do exchanges with the Assistants to the President (AP's) Elder Buxton and I both went  to Ralston to their area. I was with Elder Olsen who is from Bear River Utah and Is probably my favorite Elder on the mission. We found out that we were basically the same person. And we even started saying the exact same phrases and the exact same time. it was pretty wild. However, I had one of the coolest experiences of my mission that night.

A man who comes to our family history center almost every day that it is open. So we have gotten to talk to him occasionally and I have really gotten to know him. He is 70 years old and a pretty strong Lutheran. Well he lives just out of our area boundaries, but right in Ralston's , So Elder Olsen thought that It may be a good idea to go and visit him. And I was super pumped because I love him. So we knock on his door, and we go in and start our visit with him. First thing he does is pull out an "Anti Mormon" book and says "now you boys wont convert me" so I was a  little sad about that, so we  start answering questions about our church. And it was a night and day difference, all of the sudden he went from loving our church, to hating us. And I was so sad, because I knew that the message we had and the Book of Mormon could bring him the peace he was looking for. Elder Olsen asked him a question "do you have any desire to read the Book of Mormon?" he said no "then there is nothing we can do for you anymore." Now i'll be honest, I was pretty mad at Elder Olsen for saying that. But he was right. I bore my testimony of the Book of Mormon to him, and then he politely had us leave. We got to the car, and I laid my head on the steering wheel and just cried. I finally understand what it feels like to love the peopl. It was one of the worst feelings in the world, to have something that can bring so much happiness, and have someone you love and genuinely care about just push you away and continue struggling. Man that sucked. Me and Elder Olsen said a prayer and just asked to help someone that night. The first door we knocked on, the man invited us right in. And we shared a super spirit filled message of the restoration. It made me a ton happier. This work is genuinely amazing.

Another crazy experience, A lady that we found named Jo, who was taught 8 years ago by missionaries, let us teach a lesson about a week ago, well we decided to go back yesterday, and see how she was doing. Well we learned that  has cancer, and starts chemo today. But something remarkable happened. She looked at us and said "I know this book is true, and I am so tired of putting off coming to church, I get done with chemo on Wednesday,i'll be at church on sunday. Is it cool if I wear my mask?" I was like HOLY FLIPPIN WHAT THE HECK?? I said Heck yeah you can wear your mask to church!! We were super stoked, and on top of that, we found another family who wants  to come to church with us!! I am so excited, things are really falling into place! I have a testimony that this church really does change lives, I know that  the Book of Mormon is true and that we have a prophet here on the Earth. I testify of the pure love of the savior. I have felt the love he has for his children. I leave that testimony with you in the name of the savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Question from home;

Have you found any foods you like\dislike more than when you were home?  I love Mongolian food!

How much weight have you gained?  I weigh a solid 156.8 as of last Wednesday.

Do you miss your mom the most?(trick question) YES!

What do you miss about home the most? I miss my dog Sam

Any advice ?  Go big or go home! haha on a more serious note, I have this quote written on the front of my planner; "Don't be afraid to do what you want to do or be who you want to be, just don't be afraid to pay the price it takes to get there." -Lane Frost

                                           Halloween costume I sent.

                                                Elder Olsen from Bear River, Utah

                                                   District pic

                                              Halloween party!

                                               The Crew!

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