Tuesday, November 15, 2016

45 holes of disc golf!

Wow another week has come and gone! I seriously cannot believe it! Me and Elder Buxton are doing well out here in the 402! This week was really cool, We had the opportunity to work with a less active named Sister , she is awesome and has the goal of going to the temple, but has a bad smoking problem. We have been working with her for a few weeks now, but this Saturday is her day to quit! So we are super excited about that! We were also able to meet with both of the new investigator families that we found, and they are doing so well, D is recovering from Chemo, but wants to come to church on the 27th of this month! We are so excited for her! We also got to meet with Matt this week as well, he was in jail, but supposedly doing good now! He is awesome, but not really progressing all that much. We went out to the  farm again on Friday to help out, and we helped fertilize some fields and spread some bark around some trees! It was so much fun, I caught a crazy huge spider! it was awesome! They invited us out to thanksgiving dinner on the farm. They are seriously the best family, I love them so much, and they are always so kind to us. It was truly a blessing to run into them. Saturday was stake conference so it was a kinda busy evening, we heard from a member of the 70, and he gave a really good talk about the Book of Mormon in families! I loved it! Sunday was also Stake Conference, and again it was awesome! But my favorite part about Sunday, was that I felt like we needed to go visit an old couple in our ward, Brother G was diagnosed with terminal cancer, but he is still fighting really hard, his wife Sister G is an awesome lady who is fighting just as hard with him. Well we went over and talked to them for a bit and I taught them a lesson, but the best part happened just as we were about to leave. Sister G asked me if I could give her husband a blessing, so I asked if that's what he wanted and he said yes. The next few moments that followed were some of the most spirit filled moments of my life. I have no recollection of what was said, but I just remember the spirit put words into my head so clearly. It was amazing. That was the third blessing that I have ever done in my life, and it was truly amazing. The priesthood is such a real thing, and I am so thankful that I have been trusted with that gift from our Heavenly Father! The rest of our evening was pretty slow, but that is ok. We had the opportunity to play 45 holes of disc golf today so that was really fun and cool! Anyhow, not too much else happened this week, Christmas choir practice starts next week so I am way excited! until then, have a great week, love you!

Love Elder Kirby

                                          Disc golf crew
                                          Farm spider
                                           He titled this pic "just Chillin"

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