Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Hello everyone! This week was pretty good, we started out our week by doing some service for a man in our ward who has terminal cancer, it was one of the best times of my life, we put up all the christmas decorations and prepped his yard for winter! I had so much fun, and then they were so generous and took us to Texas Roadhouse! It was so good and so much fun! We had our district meeting on Thursday, where me and Elder Gathercoal met up for exchanges, he came to Papillion with me, and we had a ton of fun. However, we had an experience together that i will never forget, long story short, we dropped M because of a lot of different things  that happened. I am sorry to say that I wont be setting foot in his house ever again. But other than that, we had a good rest of the day, We taught Sister Parker who is finally done smoking, we are working to get her to the temple now!! She wants to go in January so that is our goal! She is so awesome! I sure lover her a bunch! We got to do some more service on Friday for the local food pantry! It was a blast as always! The next couple days were freezing cold, so naturally I made the decision that we were going to suit up and walk it out for the last part of our evening. It actually paid off, we got in with a family and taught them the Restoration. They said they would come to our church if we came to theirs. So this last Sunday we went to "Reality" church. It was absolutely bonkers. Like rock band and light shows and the whole 9 yards. I was totally into it though,I was singing and dancing and just having a heck of a time. We even watched a kid get baptized in a horse trough that was on the stage! It was hilarious. The family is coming with us this next sunday, so that will be interesting with them! The highlight of my week I think, was seeing  farmer John walk through the front doors of our church building to attend sacrament meeting. We have been working so hard to get him to come, and he finally made it. I was so happy. I think everything went well, We will ask him on Thursday, because he is having us over for Thanksgiving dinner! I am really excited about that! That about sums up my week, nothing all that crazy, other than its freezing cold here. We are hoping for some big things in the future, we have a baptism set for a 20 year old on the 17th of December! We are excited about that! Anyhow, until next week, stay warm and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Elder Kirby


What are your Thanksgiving plans? Eating dinner on the farm.

Whats the most important thing we as members can do to help the missionaries?  Members are vital to missionary work. The best thing you can do is have them over to teach investigators. Also just invite EVERYONE to talk with them.

What are you thankful for?  I am thankful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Without that, none of us could ever dream of living with our Heavenly Father again. I am thankful that he provided me with a way to feel the love he has for me, and for the opportunity I have to repent of my sins and move forward in this gospel.

                                                                  HANG ON!

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