Monday, January 30, 2017


MY WEEK WAS LEGIT!!! So this week, we got the new missionary schedule, and at first I was a little apprehensive about the whole planning the next morning thing, but I came to find out that it fits in a lot better and helps you have more inspired days! Speaking of which, this last Friday was the best day of my mission so far. Heavenly Father Blessed us with so many people to talk to and teach. We probably talked to about 25 people and all of them listened. However my favorite miracle of the day was right at the beginning, we were getting ready to walk on the bike path, when a skinny older gentleman slammed on his brakes and stopped his bike, he asked us if we had any money, to which we replied sorry but we don't. The man explained that he would take a pamphlet, and that he was on his way to buy a Gatorade for his daughter. We again apologized for not having money, and he went on his way. Well about 10 steps down the trail, Elder Kendrick discovered that he had $1.20 in change in his pocket. I felt impressed that we needed to give the money to that man and teach him. But he was long gone. So we bowed our heads and asked Heavenly Father if it was his will that he would put that man in our path again. So we continued on and visited some investigators, and started down the bike path again. And wouldn't you know it. We ran into the man again. We stopped him, introduced ourselves, and gave him the money. And then, feeling impressed, I bore my testimony to him, and he began to cry. I felt the spirit testify to him that what I was saying was true. We gave him a Book of Mormon, and got his info. I also found out that he lived about 10 minutes away from where I lived in Omaha. Truly a great blessing and miracle was Provided by our Father in Heaven. The power of prayer is so real, and I know that this gospel can change lives.

Dameris has not smoked for 4 days now! And she is on track to be baptized on the 18th now. She is so ready, we took her to another baptism with her kids to watch this week, and she told the wards relief society president that she would be doing that in a couple weeks! it made me laugh! She is an amazing woman who has almost died 4 times.  She is a single mom of two that is taking on the world, she recognizes that our church blesses families and brings happiness, and it is so cool to watch her life change every single day. I love my mission so much, I don't want to be anywhere else. Serving a mission was the best decision that I have ever made. I can't wait for this week, we found a lot of solid people to teach, and I am excited to teach them! So more miracles will be on the way next week!!

Love Elder Kirby

1.How do the new changes effect your mission?  We plan in the morning now, and it is a lot nicer, I love the changes.

2. Emma wants to know if the food is different in Lincoln? Lol 
The food is about the same.

3. Oakley wants to know if Nebraska has cute boys?
NOPE. NONE.  (spoken like a true brother)

4. How often do you get to the temple?
We usually go once a month, but because of changes and stuff, we haven't got to go yet.

5. You wrestling your companions still?
I wrestle my companion everyday!!

6.Message for your readers, or any scriptures to study? 
I am studying in 2nd Nephi chapter 9 right now, and I would encourage everyone to read it. It's my favorite chapter thus far! I love it!!!

 Teaching with Elder Kendrick!
 Riding and selfying!
Photographer on a bike!
Sent from my iPhone

Monday, January 23, 2017

Car wrecks and baptism dates!

Hey everyone!
So my week was a good one, it started off with getting into a car accident. We were just sitting there getting ready to pray so we could go in to our appointment, and all of the sudden there was a huge crash sound and the car lurched forward. Elder Kendrick got out and was pretty irritated, and I got out as well, when we looked at the damage, only a small part of the bumper was dented. We were really lucky. So Elder Kendrick got on the phone to start the paper work and such, and I talked to the young woman who ran into us. Her name was Kenezsha and she was on her way to work, and swung in to call her friend to come out, and her brakes went out. And she hit us. Upon talking to her more, I discovered that she was looking for a new church in the area, because she was tired of the hypocrisy of her current church. So I was able to give her some cards, and a book of Mormon, as well as directions to our church. Sadly she doesn't live in our area, so we referred her to the capital Elders. It was a really awesome miracle that was provided for us, I am so thankful for Heavenly Fathers loving guidance. On a good note, Dameris committed to be baptized on  February 4th. we had a few good lessons this week, one in the chapel where we taught her the plan of salvation. She cried the entire time. And her kids are the cutest, we gave them there own book of Mormon, and they brought them to church on sunday! Dameris is so awesome and so prepared for this gospel. Lots of things have happened to get her where she is now, and I am so excited for her. Not a whole lot else happened this week, besides interviews. Which were awesome! My District meeting was pretty good, except the other Elder I assigned to give a 15 minute training gave one for 40 minutes, so I had to condense my training a ton just to get all of the major points in. It was still ok though. I will be interviewing one of the sisters investigators for baptism this week as well. I am pretty nervous for it, but I know it will go well! Overall, I am having a ton of fun here in Lincoln, I cant believe how fast the time is going. It seems like just yesterday I was in the MTC. And now its been almost 7 months! I love my mission so much. I love all of the people.


Elder Kirby

1. Have you been sick at all since you left? Not really sick at all

2. How's your apartment? Is it sketchy?
My apartment is pretty nice, especially with my deer mount.

3. How are your teeth? Any cavities?
Teeth are good. Probs have some cavaties lol

4. What's the biggest difference between papio and Lincoln?
Lincoln is a lot more hood. It's so much fun!

5. How are all your clothes and shoes holding up?
My clothes are good...other than the blood stained suit....(bloody nose)

6. How's your money situation?
Money is tight all the time haha

7. Do members feed you in Lincoln or do you have to do more cooking now?
We cook quite a bit more here in Lincoln.

8. What are you eating for breakfast? Lunches?
I usually don't eat breakfast, and lately lunch is Nutella on toast.

 Car wreck
Deer mount in our apartment 

Elder Horne

*** Elder Kirby wanted to let everyone know that he is really cramped for time to send emails on p-days, so if its awhile before you get one he's sorry! He said he misses everyone and sends his love and prayers!! Keep the emails and letters coming they brighten his day!****

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Transfers, DL, New companion

 I am in LINCOLN now!!! It was so crazy to be transferred this time, because President wouldn't tell us where we were going until we got to transfer point on the day of transfers.  So all I got told in my call from him was "you will be a District Leader in your new area..."  so I had no idea where I was going. But I am super stoked now, I have 4 companionships in my stewardship, and I have to give trainings and lead meetings, and set up exchanges every week! Its going to be so much fun!! Also, my new companion Elder Kendrick, is from Bountiful and I LOVE him!!!! He was a wrestler just about as long as I was, and we have so much fun together! He is 6 feet tall and like 240 pounds, so we look kinda odd, but we have so much fun together, and we just click. He is definitely one of my favorites! So Lincoln is like kinda scary, we teach some pretty crazy people, like a drunk guy named Gerald who gave me a Porkchop Sandwich. I ate half and then he took it from me and finished it haha! However we have 3 people set for baptism and about 2 or 3 more that have expressed the desire to be baptized. So I am super stoked. I am so excited for this transfer, I feel like its going to be a really good one. My apartment is pretty nice, we have a sweet view and we now have a deer head mounted in our living room that I got today from our Zone Leaders. Its the coolest thing ever. Lincoln has so far proved to be my favorite area, I love the feel of it, and the people are so awesome! Overall, I am stoked to be a missionary! Especially in Lincoln now!

Elder Kirby

New address: 5330 R St. #9
Lincoln, NE

*valuable packages can still be sent to mission home address, as packages left at the apartment are unattended while out.

 Saying Goodbye
 More goodbyes
 New companion Elder Kendrick
Gift from the Zone Leaders!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Six months

This week was a good one. A little tough, but good. We had our zone training this week, and we had some really good lessons, about turning to Heaven to ask inspired questions to our investigators. And also one about how we can overcome the influence of satan. Both of them were awesome!! After our meeting, we went on exchanges with our District leader Elder Arnold, who came here with me. We had such a good time, and had an amazing experience with one of our in, who ended up dropping us, but we used the inspired questions like we learned, and it totally worked, the spirit was so strong. It was a ton of fun, and I was sad that he told us he no longer wanted to learn about the gospel. Its ok though, he is an amazing guy, and I am happy we got to teach him. 

My best friend Mark passed a way at 7 Wednesday morning. Im not going to lie it hurt me a little bit. But I was completely calm and happy that his time had finally come. He is no longer suffering. Some preparations were made, and the funeral was this past Saturday. His family asked me to speak, and I was really nervous. There were about 150 people who attended including 4 pastors.  I had the opportunity to read Marks testimony of the Book of Mormon that he wrote, and also spoke a little about him. It must have been ok, because I made the crowd laugh a few times. I also had the amazing opportunity to bear testimony of the Plan of Salvation. My bishop said to me afterward, "You do realize Elder Kirby, you just bore testimony to 150 non members right?" it made me laugh. It was a really good service, and i am so happy that Marks family reached out to us as missionaries. I have made some really good friends. I love all of Marks family, and while he will be missed,  know for a fact that he is in a better place now. 

Overall I had a pretty good week, I have learned a lot and I am excited to continue my journey! Transfer calls come in tomorrow morning, so its up in the air as to where I could go! I am excited to finally find out! Ill keep you updated on everything in next weeks email! I LOVE being a missionary. Its the best decision I have ever made. More fun to come I'm sure. 

Elder Kirby

 Morning Run
 Elder Olsen and Elder George

Six month burning of the tie!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Happy New Year!!

This week was a good one, have to email on Tuesday because of new years! I had a really fun and touching week.

Elder Boyer took the Stellas Food challenge yesterday, which is a 4 pound hamburger that is 36 inches tall. It was crazy, he almost finished too, but was disqualified because he threw up haha! We also got to walk around old market in downtown Omaha, it was a ton of fun! New years was fun too, we got to stay up until 10:30 if you can believe it! I finished off the year by reading the rest of Jesus The Christ! I was pretty excited about that! We also drank some sparkling cider to celebrate!  Overall I had a good time, and I am definitely enjoying my time as a missionary, things are going so fast for me! I can hardly believe it!

  So this week has been a blessing, yet one of the hardest yet. I learned this week of the love our Heavenly Father has for each of us. As you know, my friend  is struggling. Well this week in the hospital, he started do decrease very rapidly, and was admitted to hospice care. Well we went to see him one day, and he was hallucinating and it just wasn't a fun thing to see. The next day, we got a call from his sister,  he was dropping rapidly. So we went up again to see him. When I arrived I was brought to tears as I saw my best friend trembling with pain. He was unresponsive. He no longer eats or drinks, and he is suffering greatly. All we could really do was comfort the family. However the following moments proved to be the most spiritual and saddening moments of my life. Shortly , our bishop and one of his counselors came up to see him, and it was determined that he was to be given a blessing. I stood behind him and laid my hand on his head along with the 4 other men there. And bishop gave a blessing in which he released him from this life to meet his Heavenly Father...I did all I could to hold back my tears as I heard the rest of the blessing. After it was finished, I stepped into the hallway where I took a second to just cry and process what had happened. Luckily my companion came with me and put his arm around me. I can testify of the love Heavenly Father has for his children. HE LOVES YOU. HE LOVES ME. and HE LOVES ALL OF US. I felt it. and I cannot ever deny it.

As of now he is still alive, but not for too much longer according to the update I

just got. However, it will be soon, and I know that he will be in a much better condition. Death is just a necessary step in the Plan of Happiness that has been set for us. It is amazing to know that I will be seeing my friend again in a perfect condition. I am blessed to have this knowledge.  This memory and message is one of happiness though, my soul is very comforted to know what lies ahead for him. The Plan of Salvation is a real thing and I am so grateful for it! And I leave my testimony of this in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Questions from Christmas:

1. Favorite Christmas present:  Sweaters, disc golf disc, pajama pants from Miranda. There are so many of them that I can't list them all!

2. Favorite Skype moments: Talking to my family and hearing how deep Clyde's voice was! Also talking to Zander and having Miranda read me her mission call!!

3. New Years Resolution: Not eat so much candy.....

4. Most memorable moment:  The exploding trash can that happened a couple weeks ago. (I'm not even gonna ask about that!)