Monday, January 30, 2017


MY WEEK WAS LEGIT!!! So this week, we got the new missionary schedule, and at first I was a little apprehensive about the whole planning the next morning thing, but I came to find out that it fits in a lot better and helps you have more inspired days! Speaking of which, this last Friday was the best day of my mission so far. Heavenly Father Blessed us with so many people to talk to and teach. We probably talked to about 25 people and all of them listened. However my favorite miracle of the day was right at the beginning, we were getting ready to walk on the bike path, when a skinny older gentleman slammed on his brakes and stopped his bike, he asked us if we had any money, to which we replied sorry but we don't. The man explained that he would take a pamphlet, and that he was on his way to buy a Gatorade for his daughter. We again apologized for not having money, and he went on his way. Well about 10 steps down the trail, Elder Kendrick discovered that he had $1.20 in change in his pocket. I felt impressed that we needed to give the money to that man and teach him. But he was long gone. So we bowed our heads and asked Heavenly Father if it was his will that he would put that man in our path again. So we continued on and visited some investigators, and started down the bike path again. And wouldn't you know it. We ran into the man again. We stopped him, introduced ourselves, and gave him the money. And then, feeling impressed, I bore my testimony to him, and he began to cry. I felt the spirit testify to him that what I was saying was true. We gave him a Book of Mormon, and got his info. I also found out that he lived about 10 minutes away from where I lived in Omaha. Truly a great blessing and miracle was Provided by our Father in Heaven. The power of prayer is so real, and I know that this gospel can change lives.

Dameris has not smoked for 4 days now! And she is on track to be baptized on the 18th now. She is so ready, we took her to another baptism with her kids to watch this week, and she told the wards relief society president that she would be doing that in a couple weeks! it made me laugh! She is an amazing woman who has almost died 4 times.  She is a single mom of two that is taking on the world, she recognizes that our church blesses families and brings happiness, and it is so cool to watch her life change every single day. I love my mission so much, I don't want to be anywhere else. Serving a mission was the best decision that I have ever made. I can't wait for this week, we found a lot of solid people to teach, and I am excited to teach them! So more miracles will be on the way next week!!

Love Elder Kirby

1.How do the new changes effect your mission?  We plan in the morning now, and it is a lot nicer, I love the changes.

2. Emma wants to know if the food is different in Lincoln? Lol 
The food is about the same.

3. Oakley wants to know if Nebraska has cute boys?
NOPE. NONE.  (spoken like a true brother)

4. How often do you get to the temple?
We usually go once a month, but because of changes and stuff, we haven't got to go yet.

5. You wrestling your companions still?
I wrestle my companion everyday!!

6.Message for your readers, or any scriptures to study? 
I am studying in 2nd Nephi chapter 9 right now, and I would encourage everyone to read it. It's my favorite chapter thus far! I love it!!!

 Teaching with Elder Kendrick!
 Riding and selfying!
Photographer on a bike!
Sent from my iPhone

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