Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Transfers, DL, New companion

 I am in LINCOLN now!!! It was so crazy to be transferred this time, because President wouldn't tell us where we were going until we got to transfer point on the day of transfers.  So all I got told in my call from him was "you will be a District Leader in your new area..."  so I had no idea where I was going. But I am super stoked now, I have 4 companionships in my stewardship, and I have to give trainings and lead meetings, and set up exchanges every week! Its going to be so much fun!! Also, my new companion Elder Kendrick, is from Bountiful and I LOVE him!!!! He was a wrestler just about as long as I was, and we have so much fun together! He is 6 feet tall and like 240 pounds, so we look kinda odd, but we have so much fun together, and we just click. He is definitely one of my favorites! So Lincoln is like kinda scary, we teach some pretty crazy people, like a drunk guy named Gerald who gave me a Porkchop Sandwich. I ate half and then he took it from me and finished it haha! However we have 3 people set for baptism and about 2 or 3 more that have expressed the desire to be baptized. So I am super stoked. I am so excited for this transfer, I feel like its going to be a really good one. My apartment is pretty nice, we have a sweet view and we now have a deer head mounted in our living room that I got today from our Zone Leaders. Its the coolest thing ever. Lincoln has so far proved to be my favorite area, I love the feel of it, and the people are so awesome! Overall, I am stoked to be a missionary! Especially in Lincoln now!

Elder Kirby

New address: 5330 R St. #9
Lincoln, NE

*valuable packages can still be sent to mission home address, as packages left at the apartment are unattended while out.

 Saying Goodbye
 More goodbyes
 New companion Elder Kendrick
Gift from the Zone Leaders!

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