Monday, January 9, 2017

Six months

This week was a good one. A little tough, but good. We had our zone training this week, and we had some really good lessons, about turning to Heaven to ask inspired questions to our investigators. And also one about how we can overcome the influence of satan. Both of them were awesome!! After our meeting, we went on exchanges with our District leader Elder Arnold, who came here with me. We had such a good time, and had an amazing experience with one of our in, who ended up dropping us, but we used the inspired questions like we learned, and it totally worked, the spirit was so strong. It was a ton of fun, and I was sad that he told us he no longer wanted to learn about the gospel. Its ok though, he is an amazing guy, and I am happy we got to teach him. 

My best friend Mark passed a way at 7 Wednesday morning. Im not going to lie it hurt me a little bit. But I was completely calm and happy that his time had finally come. He is no longer suffering. Some preparations were made, and the funeral was this past Saturday. His family asked me to speak, and I was really nervous. There were about 150 people who attended including 4 pastors.  I had the opportunity to read Marks testimony of the Book of Mormon that he wrote, and also spoke a little about him. It must have been ok, because I made the crowd laugh a few times. I also had the amazing opportunity to bear testimony of the Plan of Salvation. My bishop said to me afterward, "You do realize Elder Kirby, you just bore testimony to 150 non members right?" it made me laugh. It was a really good service, and i am so happy that Marks family reached out to us as missionaries. I have made some really good friends. I love all of Marks family, and while he will be missed,  know for a fact that he is in a better place now. 

Overall I had a pretty good week, I have learned a lot and I am excited to continue my journey! Transfer calls come in tomorrow morning, so its up in the air as to where I could go! I am excited to finally find out! Ill keep you updated on everything in next weeks email! I LOVE being a missionary. Its the best decision I have ever made. More fun to come I'm sure. 

Elder Kirby

 Morning Run
 Elder Olsen and Elder George

Six month burning of the tie!

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