Monday, January 23, 2017

Car wrecks and baptism dates!

Hey everyone!
So my week was a good one, it started off with getting into a car accident. We were just sitting there getting ready to pray so we could go in to our appointment, and all of the sudden there was a huge crash sound and the car lurched forward. Elder Kendrick got out and was pretty irritated, and I got out as well, when we looked at the damage, only a small part of the bumper was dented. We were really lucky. So Elder Kendrick got on the phone to start the paper work and such, and I talked to the young woman who ran into us. Her name was Kenezsha and she was on her way to work, and swung in to call her friend to come out, and her brakes went out. And she hit us. Upon talking to her more, I discovered that she was looking for a new church in the area, because she was tired of the hypocrisy of her current church. So I was able to give her some cards, and a book of Mormon, as well as directions to our church. Sadly she doesn't live in our area, so we referred her to the capital Elders. It was a really awesome miracle that was provided for us, I am so thankful for Heavenly Fathers loving guidance. On a good note, Dameris committed to be baptized on  February 4th. we had a few good lessons this week, one in the chapel where we taught her the plan of salvation. She cried the entire time. And her kids are the cutest, we gave them there own book of Mormon, and they brought them to church on sunday! Dameris is so awesome and so prepared for this gospel. Lots of things have happened to get her where she is now, and I am so excited for her. Not a whole lot else happened this week, besides interviews. Which were awesome! My District meeting was pretty good, except the other Elder I assigned to give a 15 minute training gave one for 40 minutes, so I had to condense my training a ton just to get all of the major points in. It was still ok though. I will be interviewing one of the sisters investigators for baptism this week as well. I am pretty nervous for it, but I know it will go well! Overall, I am having a ton of fun here in Lincoln, I cant believe how fast the time is going. It seems like just yesterday I was in the MTC. And now its been almost 7 months! I love my mission so much. I love all of the people.


Elder Kirby

1. Have you been sick at all since you left? Not really sick at all

2. How's your apartment? Is it sketchy?
My apartment is pretty nice, especially with my deer mount.

3. How are your teeth? Any cavities?
Teeth are good. Probs have some cavaties lol

4. What's the biggest difference between papio and Lincoln?
Lincoln is a lot more hood. It's so much fun!

5. How are all your clothes and shoes holding up?
My clothes are good...other than the blood stained suit....(bloody nose)

6. How's your money situation?
Money is tight all the time haha

7. Do members feed you in Lincoln or do you have to do more cooking now?
We cook quite a bit more here in Lincoln.

8. What are you eating for breakfast? Lunches?
I usually don't eat breakfast, and lately lunch is Nutella on toast.

 Car wreck
Deer mount in our apartment 

Elder Horne

*** Elder Kirby wanted to let everyone know that he is really cramped for time to send emails on p-days, so if its awhile before you get one he's sorry! He said he misses everyone and sends his love and prayers!! Keep the emails and letters coming they brighten his day!****

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