Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A week to remember

This week was so awesome! To start off, Elder Haire and I went on exchanges. It was a blast, and we had a ton of fun. Both of us haven't really gotten the opportunity to ride bikes on our mission so we decided that we were going to be "real missionaries" and ride our bikes everywhere. Well, it was super fun in the beginning, but the sore butts and tired legs at the end of our day made it slightly less  fun haha. We had a good time though! Elder Haire is so awesome I love him a ton! Another fun part of the week, was we got one of our investigators to go to the Elders quorum activity, and we got to go with him! We played dodgeball! I was a little scared because last time I played dodgeball with the missionaries, I broke ones finger. And karma hits me fast. Luckily nothing happened so we were able to have a good time!

My favorite part of the week was on Saturday, Dameris was baptized! And it truly was one of the greatest experiences of my life. She is a completely changed person, it was a testimony builder to me to see Heavenly Father take someone who was so sad and so down, and mold them into a happy and vibrant person who is full of love for all those around her. I love this work so much, and I cannot take any credit for her conversion, Heavenly Father did all of the work, I just said words. Dameris is now sharing the gospel with everyone! She invites people over for us to teach all the time! She has given away 2 Book of Mormons so far, and is in Mosiah now.

Oh I almost forgot, after Dameris was baptized, in the program after, her 4 year old son comes up to Elder Kendrick and says "hey you drowned my mom" when it was dead silent. I lost it. It was seriously the cutest and funniest thing I have ever heard. He proceeded to ask Elder Kendrick why he drowned his mom? for the remainder of the meeting haha!

On Sunday, I had the opportunity to confirm Dameris a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Wow...it was a feeling and an experience I will never forget. I could barely get any intelligible words out through my shaking. But the feeling I had was one that I wont ever forget. I love this gospel, and I am so thankful for the restoration, so that we can truly have the fullness of Christs church here on the Earth today. What a wonderful blessing we have been given. I cherish this gospel, and the knowledge that we have of our Savior. I love the Book of Mormon, and all of its teachings. It is true. And I can bear witness of its ability to change lives. I have watched it. This is the true church, and I am thankful for the opportunity that I have to be a missionary and share the message of joy and happiness that this gospel brings. I cannot wait to continue to share. And I leave this testimony with you in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.

Sincerely Elder Kirby

 Group photo
 Disc golf crew
Real missionaries ride bikes

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