Monday, February 6, 2017

Tender mercies

This week was truly a week of miracles. I cannot take any credit for all of the success we saw this week. Truly our Father in Heaven had his hand in this week, and all of the credit must go to him.
 This week was one to remember. So Elder Kendrick and I have decided to walk a lot recently,  because we can talk to more people that way. So this week because of just walking and talking to everyone, we were blessed enough to find 7 new invesigators that are all really solid. We got 2 people set for baptism, and Dameris is still on track for her baptism coming up in two weeks. Truly this week was amazing. A few miracles and cool experiences happened this week that are some of the most memorable of my mission thus far.

The first one: Elder Kendrick and I were walking down the street, and we were just kinda chatting back and forth and having a good time, and all of the sudden, we turn a corner, and this African American couple stops us and says "yall church people?" we responded with a yes. "wheres church? we just moved here and need one." A little bit taken back, I scratched down the church address on a pass a long card, and gave her a pamphlet, and a Book of Mormon as well, she said "ill need a ride, can yall do that?" so we said of course, we will have a member of our congregation come and pick you up she said "cool." That next Saturday, we went to see just how legit her intentions were, so we stopped by her house and she was all gung ho for coming to church. So that Sunday rolls around, and sure enough, 5 minutes late, Katrina and our member roll into sacrament meeting, she comes and sits by us in the seats we had saved. Well about 10 minutes later, I look over and she is just crying her eyes out. And she would say "AMEN!" after each testimony. She continued her crying all the way through gospel priciples, and all the way to our lesson with her on the stage after church. She told us in our lesson, "I knew this church was true as soon as I saw you boys that day" and she continued by saying "I served the devil for 26 years. I'm finally serve the Lord now!"  She is one of the funniest ladies I have ever met. She is set for baptism on the 5th of March. But she said that she would be back next Sunday. I am super thankful for the opportunity we had to be guided to her that day, she is so prepared for this gospel, she loved every second of church and ate it all up. Heavenly Father provided a pretty sweet blessing for us that day.

The other amazing thing that happened, has been a process of hard work for the past Year. Dameris has been smoke free for 11 days now, and is absolutely loving the church. She is truly converted to this gospel. Well this week, she invited us over to teach with the Spanish Elders, to teach her mom the restoration. It was so awesome, because we got to teach in her back yard next to a burning trash fire, in the middle of the hood. It was amazing and truly a surreal experience. Dameris is progressing so fast, and she wants to be baptized so badly. And she is working hard and preparing to make that covenant on the 18th of this month! She even paid her tithing yesterday,  which was cool, because she was totally down and I was so worried about teaching her that lesson! but it totally worked out! Her kids are so funny as well, and they love coming to church! i sure love them,  they make my day a little bit brighter every time I see them.

Overall, it wasn't a whole bunch of big miracles this week, rather, it was a good amount of small tender mercies that are leading to big things. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for all that he does for me, I truly could not do any of this work without him. I love being a missionary, and I love this church more than anything. I cannot wait for the next few weeks.
God Speed.
Elder Kirby

1. Do you have a bike now? No just decided to borrow one for the day to save my feet!

2. How are the baptisms coming along?
Good! One is scheduled for 2 weeks, and 2 more are set.

3. Have you cooked anything good for your companion and yourself? I cooked eggs once.

4. Have you gotten the car fixed
? We actually got a new one! Haha

 Civil war Bible
 My BOM compared to a new one

New car!

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