Monday, February 13, 2017

Best decision I ever made!

This week was a good one, we had a zone conference that we had to drive to that was all the way to in Kearny. Its about a 2 hour drive, luckily I didn't have to drive, Elder Kendrick volunteered. However, we did have to wake up at 5:30 so that we could leave and make it on time. It was a long flat trip, but we eventually made it haha! It was interesting though, because I got a bloody nose on the way down, and went to spit a blood clot out the window...long story short, we rolled into Zone conference with our car looking like we had just ran someone over. I got a lot of crap from Elder Henry who is in charge of the cars. Zone conf. was legit though, we learned about how we  need to be carrying our Book of Mormons and Bibles around with us all the time so that we have the fullness of the gospel on hand all the time. I loved it. We also learned about how bad Energy drinks and pop were for you. It was actually a really good training. President Gardner also gave a training on how we need to find the Elect. We were told basically that we are here to find converts and families. So all of the less active work we are doing will be put on hold so that we can find more families. I am pretty excited! I trust president. And since then,we have found two families!!
 So in lieu of the Mission Olympics coming up in March, Elder Kendrick and I have decided to start working out more. I am definitely looking forward to participating! As far as the work goes this week, it has been awesome. Elder Kendrick and I came to a mutual agreement that dinner and lunch are a waste of time, so we just skip them so that we can spend more time visiting our investigators. We just snack on things throughout the day, and we will go to members houses if they sign up to feed us. It has been sweet though! Lots of work being done. I am so excited and so happy to share the gospel. It the most fun I have ever had in my life.
Dameris is getting baptized this week!!!!! I am so excited for her, we took her and her family to the trail center in Omaha this week, and she loved it! We also took her into the waiting room of the temple, and she didn't want to leave. She is truly converted to this gospel, and I am so thankful that I have been able to watch Heavenly Father work in her life the way that he has. She told us that for her birthday she wants to fly out to General Conference! She is so awesome,  she feeds us every time we go over, and her Mom calls us her boys! We are also helping her parent her kids cause they are crazy. Everytime they are good for the day, we ask their mom, and they get a gumball! It has been so much fun getting to know their family! She asked Elder Kendrick to baptize her, and me to confirm her! I am really excited, and a little nervous, but overall just happy for her and her kids. Her 10 year old son has warmed up to us too, and I think we are going to teach him the lessons as well! Other than that, not much else happened this week. we are just working hard and preparing for the baptism! I am so happy and grateful for this opportunity that I have to serve my brothers and sisters. Truly this is the work of God. 

On a side note, we took a trip to the capitol building this morning, and watched a session of some public bill thing,  some guy went ham on everyone else there and we were pretty hyped up about it haha! But it is a massive building that looks like Hogwarts,  it so sweet!

More to come next week! thank you for all of the support, sending my love and prayers your way.

Love, Elder Kirby
 Zone conference

What's something that inspired him this week?  A talk called, "Missionary work and the Atonement", it makes me cry every time, and it gets me so pumped.

Strangest Smells? Weed mixed with incense.. our neighbors are crazy.  :)

Something you'd never see in Idaho? "RUNZA" fast food chain. 

 Weird habit that annoys  your companion? I can't think of any, he gets mad when I don't wake him up sometimes haha!

Favorite new food? Chinese

How much do you weigh? I don't dare weigh. Pants still fit tho!

** Thank you to those who helped me with questions!! ( Mom Note)

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