Monday, March 27, 2017


First of all, I absolutely love Nebraska. It is the most beautiful place in the world. The sky out here is amazing and all of the corn fields grow on ya after a while...
My week this week was pretty good, we had Zone Conference this week and it was amazing, I got called on to show a diagram that I drew, it was pretty scary lol. We also had Zone Olympics, I won the sprints because the guys that were in first, second, and third all tripped, so I just coasted in lol! You know how I feel about running anyway. I got second in 3 pointers and second in push ups and like 3rd in stick pull! it was really fun! It was all the way in Grand Island though, so we are not looking good on miles haha. But that's ok! We were able to find 8 more investigators this week! it was so awesome! We are finally finding the families that we have been praying for! It is truly amazing to see how the Lord will bless us with specific results as we pray for specific people. I love it haha! We are working on helping our investigators get to church, because that is one of the struggles we are having, but we have been praying for miracles in getting them to church! Other than that, not much has happened this week, we drove out to Eagle because we have a few investigators out there now! One of them is named Luke actually lol. But it has been cold and rainy all week, and the roads in Eagle are all dirt, so our car is filthy, and we didn't even have to try. I almost got stuck on one road. Its pretty nuts, but I love it so much. We get to do a stadium tour today, so I am super stoked about that! I love Lincoln so much, and I am having a blast on my mission! I have been studying in Mosiah still, and I love the stories in there, you should definitely study it! Especially chapters 11-15 they are my fav.
Anyhow, thank you for all that you do, I love you!

Love, Elder Kirby


1. Any requests for treats in your next package?  Nah, anything is good.

2. Where did you get your Mcdonalds t-shirts?  They were a gift!

3.  What's your conference plans?  Headed to our church!

4.  What's one thing about Nebraska that reminds you of home?  McDonalds

courtesy of sis Gardner

Zone Conference

Monday, March 20, 2017

Hot and cold

Pretty good week here in NE, it was hot and cold and everything in-between. This week started out kinda poopy, lots of appointments falling through, and for a while it seemed like we couldn't find anyone. But Elder Kendrick and I decided one day that we were going to go out to Eagle again and try a little bunch of houses. We both felt really good about it so we started going and we ended up talking to a bunch of people, and acutally found a few people to teach! We were so excited, and so thankful for Heavenly Father answering our prayers. It was truly a miracle. This week ended up being really good haha, its hard to complain with 80 degree weather, and a two liter bottle of Kool Aid. Dameris got a calling as a ward missionary. She is going to do awesome!  She is the sweetest lady. This week she fed us like 3 times and bought us a bunch of groceries. She is so awesome! Her mom is pretty sweet too, we call her "mama Hernadez" And she calls us her "little babies" she is always taking care of us too and making us good food. She is hilarious. They are such a good family, and I am super excited for Damaris to go to conference!! She has been talking about how excited she is! We also played some basketball with some of the local kids..they were really good, and we had a ton of fun! Also weird random fact, I ate a real mango for the first time ever! I loved it! other than I covered it with a lot of chili powder, so it was a little spicy haha! Anyhow this week was a good one, we have zone conf this week and some exchanges on Thursday with the other Trendwood Elders. I am super excited! Anyhow until next time!
Love Elder Kirby
Mosiah 14: 1-11

* on a side note I hit 170 this week!


Is there anywhere you hope to get transferred? I'm gonna be in Lincoln for awhile.

How's the Olympic training going? I decided to just wing it!

Any talk of wrestling out there? Yeah, we heard about Penn State!

How was your temple trip? It was amazing!!

 Eagle, NE
 Bunk beds we made on our balcony (our apartment was too hot), yes we slept there all night!!
 Temple trip
Temple trip

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Bipolar weather

Hey everyone, this week was a good one, not too many crazy things happened! We are finally finding a lot of families and we are super excited for that! I do hate the super bi polar weather! On the sunny side, we get to go to the temple at 1 today, so I am looking forward to that!
So this week a guy who we started teaching, he's completely crazy... well we asked him to come to church, and it was a total disaster. He was saying so many bad things and telling us and some members we were wrong. I was so stressed out that I could barely keep from sweating through my suit. So this sunday was good but stressful. I had to see him yesterday and try to explain the characteristics of the true church. I thought he was going to hit me. However, he actually opened up and we had a decent conversation towards the end. He even gave me one of his 300 lighters that he collects.
 Also so I had to do a baptismal interview for the Nebraska City Sisters so I was like cool this is my first one, I'm a little nervous, well first off..we have to drive an hour to get there, then the sisters are late...And then everything kinda slows down and the interview is going well..and wouldn't you know it...I GET A FLIPPING BLOODY NOSE!! I had to stop the interview, and go clean was super embarrassing, however she did pass and everything ended pretty well haha! That's about as crazy as my week are never going to believe this, but I got a bloody nose as I was typing this letter and had to leave and go clean up. After trekking across the entire library with blood everywhere. Maybe I should get it checked out lol. Anyhow, all is going well here in Lincoln! I am loving everyone here and having a blast with Elder Kendrick! Hopefully we get to do another transfer together...(its not likely) but I have the faith! Sending prayers and love your way, stay warm, stay safe, and read the Book of Mormon!

Love Elder Kirby

 Cutest kitty!
 just me
 When Elder Kendrick and I wake up
       Doing the hurr!                                                                                    Snacks!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


So this week was an interesting one. Our car got towed Tuesday morning, because we forgot to transfer stickers into our new car from our old one.. So that kinda sucked, because we had to pay $140 dollars for it.. Its all good though, we got it back! This week we also had a sweet Zone training that I had the opportunity of conducting. It was a ton of fun and we had some really good trainings on the 4th missionary talk, as well as some others on seeking personal Revelation. After that, our week was seeming to kinda fall apart. We had to drop a bunch of investigators because they weren't really progressing, which always sucks and hurts a little bit. One man in particular, is a single dad of two kids who has been through everything you can imagine. we have been teaching him for a while, and he hasn't really progressed. He is a terrible alcoholic, and doesn't really want to change. Well Elder Kendrick and I decided that we needed to stop going by even though we really loved this man. So we went last night to drop him, and he broke down and talked with us on his porch about how hard his life is and all that he is going through. We testified that the Savior and his Atonement can fix literally anything. And he just wouldn't listen. I began to get frustrated because he had the answers to all of his problems, yet he just wouldn't accept them. Finally Gerald went inside and just before he shut the door, he said "I love you boys" My heart and Elder Kendricks was completely shattered. We sat in our car not necessarily knowing what to do. Gerald did invite us over tonight though. We have been praying that all will go well. This was a testimony to me of agency. No matter how many times or sincerely we share our message, people still have the opportunity to choose. At times its kinda frustrating, but truly the plan that Heavenly Father has laid out for us is beautiful..and that is what this experience taught me. We do have a plan, and we can only be helped if we are willing. I am excited to work with Gerald tonight, it will be good. I have faith in Heavenly Father and his timing.

On a side note, we were knocking some houses in our area, one of them being a trailer park, and we knocked on one that smelled like weed super bad, and a guy answered the door and just swung it wide open... and wouldn't you know it, there was a man sitting on the couch cleaning his arm and getting ready for what looked like a needle full of heroine.. it was a little shocking, but we tried to share a message anyway haha! They declined and we went on our way! And one day we were knocking some doors in the more ghetto part of our area, and one fence said beware of dog.. so of course I was like we need to try that house. So we did, and a little boy swung open the door.. and out came two ripped pit bulls... I took a couple steps back when they started barking! Luckily though alls they did was lick my hands and let me pet them,  still kinda freaky though haha! Anyhow this week was a good one to say the least, some trials, but we also had lots of success in finding families. I love every day that i have out here. I cant wait for the next few months to come!! More to come next week!

Love Elder Kirby

I feel like I should add that I was definitely prompted by the spirit to knock the pit bull house, I wasn't being an idiot haha! just so everyone knows!


1. Where do you do your laundry? A members house

2. Most embarrassing moment? Peeing my pants! (no further explanation)

3. What events are in the zonolympics? Stick pull, 3 point shooting, running, curls, push ups, and sit ups.

4. Which ones are you doing?
All of them! I qualified in 3 pointers, I hit 3 of the 5! (thanks cedar hills young men)

5. Strangest thing you've had happen?
Saw a guy doing heroin.

6. Spiritual thought or message?
  The Atonement has been on my mind a lot this week, and to understand the atonement we have to be prepared to walk just a fraction of what he walked. Not saying we could endure what the savior did, because that would be frankly sacrilegious. But we must be prepared to endure somewhat of the sorrow the savior did. Somewhat of the humiliation he went through. "Missionary work is not easy because salvation is not a cheap experience."- Jeffery R. Holland This statement was from a compilation of talks called "Missionary work and the Atonement" The Atonement to me is everything to me. As soon as we are willing to submit our will to the Fathers, and face our challenges head on..then can we truly feel the power of our Saviors infinite atonement. I testify of this and of its healing power in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

 Zone Training.
Zone Training
Photo credit Sister Gardner