Monday, March 27, 2017


First of all, I absolutely love Nebraska. It is the most beautiful place in the world. The sky out here is amazing and all of the corn fields grow on ya after a while...
My week this week was pretty good, we had Zone Conference this week and it was amazing, I got called on to show a diagram that I drew, it was pretty scary lol. We also had Zone Olympics, I won the sprints because the guys that were in first, second, and third all tripped, so I just coasted in lol! You know how I feel about running anyway. I got second in 3 pointers and second in push ups and like 3rd in stick pull! it was really fun! It was all the way in Grand Island though, so we are not looking good on miles haha. But that's ok! We were able to find 8 more investigators this week! it was so awesome! We are finally finding the families that we have been praying for! It is truly amazing to see how the Lord will bless us with specific results as we pray for specific people. I love it haha! We are working on helping our investigators get to church, because that is one of the struggles we are having, but we have been praying for miracles in getting them to church! Other than that, not much has happened this week, we drove out to Eagle because we have a few investigators out there now! One of them is named Luke actually lol. But it has been cold and rainy all week, and the roads in Eagle are all dirt, so our car is filthy, and we didn't even have to try. I almost got stuck on one road. Its pretty nuts, but I love it so much. We get to do a stadium tour today, so I am super stoked about that! I love Lincoln so much, and I am having a blast on my mission! I have been studying in Mosiah still, and I love the stories in there, you should definitely study it! Especially chapters 11-15 they are my fav.
Anyhow, thank you for all that you do, I love you!

Love, Elder Kirby


1. Any requests for treats in your next package?  Nah, anything is good.

2. Where did you get your Mcdonalds t-shirts?  They were a gift!

3.  What's your conference plans?  Headed to our church!

4.  What's one thing about Nebraska that reminds you of home?  McDonalds

courtesy of sis Gardner

Zone Conference

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