Monday, March 20, 2017

Hot and cold

Pretty good week here in NE, it was hot and cold and everything in-between. This week started out kinda poopy, lots of appointments falling through, and for a while it seemed like we couldn't find anyone. But Elder Kendrick and I decided one day that we were going to go out to Eagle again and try a little bunch of houses. We both felt really good about it so we started going and we ended up talking to a bunch of people, and acutally found a few people to teach! We were so excited, and so thankful for Heavenly Father answering our prayers. It was truly a miracle. This week ended up being really good haha, its hard to complain with 80 degree weather, and a two liter bottle of Kool Aid. Dameris got a calling as a ward missionary. She is going to do awesome!  She is the sweetest lady. This week she fed us like 3 times and bought us a bunch of groceries. She is so awesome! Her mom is pretty sweet too, we call her "mama Hernadez" And she calls us her "little babies" she is always taking care of us too and making us good food. She is hilarious. They are such a good family, and I am super excited for Damaris to go to conference!! She has been talking about how excited she is! We also played some basketball with some of the local kids..they were really good, and we had a ton of fun! Also weird random fact, I ate a real mango for the first time ever! I loved it! other than I covered it with a lot of chili powder, so it was a little spicy haha! Anyhow this week was a good one, we have zone conf this week and some exchanges on Thursday with the other Trendwood Elders. I am super excited! Anyhow until next time!
Love Elder Kirby
Mosiah 14: 1-11

* on a side note I hit 170 this week!


Is there anywhere you hope to get transferred? I'm gonna be in Lincoln for awhile.

How's the Olympic training going? I decided to just wing it!

Any talk of wrestling out there? Yeah, we heard about Penn State!

How was your temple trip? It was amazing!!

 Eagle, NE
 Bunk beds we made on our balcony (our apartment was too hot), yes we slept there all night!!
 Temple trip
Temple trip

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