Monday, April 24, 2017

week full of sunshine

Not too much happened this week, nevertheless it was a good one full of sunshine and lots of people to talk to.

On Monday last week, we went and walked around an art gallery which was so amazing! Then we went to an antique store, and I found this old Stetson hat that I just about bought, I just didn't have the funds. It was so sweet though. We ended out day with some basketball as usual!

The next big thing that happened was Wednesday when we had our trainer trainee meeting. It was phenomenal. One of the big things that I loved, was when President brought up that we are the tools that Heavenly Father uses to bring His children home. That really struck me. It made me really realize how important of a calling It is. And what It really means to be a member of the church. Elder Arnold came down from Omaha, because he is training also! I was so pumped to see him! he even made me a sick floral tie! (btw if you are going to send ties, send floral!) We had a good time, and then hit the streets again!

On Saturday, we helped a lady move, and Elder Haire and I carried an ancient heavy washing machine up a tiny flight of stairs, it was pretty interesting. I was so happy that I didn't have to carry it up to the 3rd story where her apartment is lol.

I am also happy to report that we found our family we have been praying for! One day we drove all the way out to Eagle (like 20 minutes on a dirt road.) And we were crusing hitting some farm houses, and we came across a red brick home, with three huge green stars. So of course we had to go and knock it. As we did, and older gentleman answered the door and let us right in, we were able to teach him the restoration, and set him for baptism. It was such an awesome lesson and feeling. My testimony that Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers was definitely strengthened that day. We also had an amazing lesson with another family again this week, we finally broke down some walls that they had put up about his beliefs. I am super excited to help him love the gospel. I love their family. Other than that, not too much else happened this week. We are looking forward to a sweet week this week! I am so thankful for the book of Mormon. It is the catalyst of pure joy, because it teaches about Jesus Christ and His atonement. I love it, and I know that by feasting upon it every day, we can fill any void, conquer any challenge, and be filled with the love of our Heavenly Father. Thank you for all that you do, I love you and pray for you!

Love Elder Kirby
 Trainer\trainee meeting
 Floral ties with Elder Arnold
 Missing mountains
No explanation on this one ;) none on his shirt though!

Monday, April 17, 2017

finding white dogs

This week was a good one, we got to go on exchanges with the Zone Leaders this week, I went with Elder Jhonson! He is from Rexburg! He is such a stud, we had a good exchange, we taught a deaf man and we communicated with a notebook and a pen! It was super cool, we acutually set him for baptism! It was a super cool experience to say the least. So this week had some really sweet miracles, but this one was my fav! Ok, so I received a prompting one night to look for a white dog in the area we were tracting, and so I was super motivated and was just going ham looking for this dog. Well I started to get discouraged because I just couldn't find it, and by the end of the night I was really down. Well just yesterday, we were walking down a road to try one of our gators and this girl yells "hi Elders" and I had no idea who she was, so we just said hi and blew it off. Well we set up an appointment, and turned around and in the front lawn of this house is a white dog. So I felt impressed to go over and talk to the 3 people outside. As we did, one of them was inactive and was getting her kid for the weekend, but the young guy and his wife said they had talked to missionaries before, so I asked if we could share a message, and we taught them for an hour!! and they are now new investigators for us! but I found my white dog!!
Easter this week was amazing, I loved the sacrament especially this week. I was looking at the sacrament table and all I could imaging was the Savior laying in the tomb, and his sacrifice for us. I was brought to tears as I watched the young priesthood holders pass the sacrament, and thought how great a blessing it was to have that sacred power restored to the Earth. I love this Gospel. Thank you to everyone for the Easter cards and gifts. I appreciate them very much. I love you, and thank you. May we ever keep the Saviors sacrifice on our minds.. even long after this Easter season.

Elder Kirby

Return of the yoyo

Monday, April 10, 2017


Wow, what a crazy and exciting week. Elder Kendrick got transferred to Brandon, SD. So that was sad, I loved that kid so much. However,  I got a brand new missionary this week! His name is Elder Stokes. And he is from Plain City Utah, just outside of Ogden. He is an awesome kid who has a big heart. He is a hardworking machine. He loves to drive CAT equipment, and hopes to own his own business one day. I love working with him. We are having a ton of fun together. This week was just crazy because of transfers and whatnot, but we were still able to get a lot of work done and find some more investigators. We have been truly blessed. One of the coolest things actually happened this Sunday. We were invited to teach the Priest Quorum the Restoration, just like we would to investigators. Well I had one of the most profound experiences of my life. As I was going through the different points, I began to quote the first vision..and as I did, the spirit hit me so strong. And I couldn't help but cry as I continued on with the prophets words, and as soon as we finished teaching, the Spirit was so strong, and I knew in that moment that the spirit was confirming to me the truthfulness of the things I had just taught. It was an amazing experience. I would encourage all of you to think about how precious the simple truths that we have in our church really are. We hold the keys to happiness because we have the fullness of the gospel. Just remember that everytime someone asks a question or you feel prpmpted so say something. I love this gospel, and have a testimony that our Savior lives, and that he stands at the head of this church. I testify of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, I know that by abiding by its precepts, a man can get closer to God than by any other book. Joseph Smith was a prophet. I have no doubts about that. I love this work and this gospel. And I leave you my witness of these things, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Elder Kirby

 Elder Stokes
Road kill or pet??

Monday, April 3, 2017

A Temple!

What a blessing it is to be able to have a temple! When that announcement was made, I couldn't help but cry tears of joy. I was and am so happy. General Conference was so amazing, couldn't even pick my favorite talk. All of it was awe inspiring. I love our sweet prophet. He is truly an inspired man. His talks were definitely something to remember.

This week was an awesome week. With conference it was a bonus, but I wanted to focus on a really sweet miracle that I saw. That really strengthened my testimony of the priesthood. So a couple weeks ago Elder Kendrick and I gave  blessings to the Sister missionaries investigators, I gave a blessing to a 9 year old girl who had chronic migraines..they were so bad that this poor little girl couldn't hardly function. Well her mother asked if I could give a blessing I agreed and blessed her that she would be healed according to her faith. One of the most miraculous experiences of my life, I could literally feel the faith that this young girl had coming from her as I laid my hands on her head. It was truly an experience that I won't soon forget. Well just yesterday at conference, this young girl accompanied by her mother, came up to me and shook my hand, showed me her doll and said thank you for the blessing, I don't get headaches any more. Wow. that hit me. And what topped it off was looking at her mothers tear filled eyes as she explained that Elder Kendricks blessing had healed her as she was finally progressing to get over her illness. Her mother also explained that her daughter who had headaches at least 3 times a week hadn't had one for 2 weeks. I was overjoyed. I couldn't hardly believe it. My testimony for the priesthood authority of God increased so much. I have always had a testimony of its power, but that experience boosted my testimony so much. I love being a missionary, and I know that Heavenly Father cares for all of his children,  and if we are prepared, then he can use us as a tool in his hands to benefit his children. I love this gospel and all that it has to offer.

On a side note President Gardner called me and asked me to train another missionary! I am super excited! and so thankful for another opportunity to serve! Ill keep you updated on the new guy lol! Until then, Love,
Elder Kirby
 District Meeting
 A hat (gift from a member)
 Huskers Stadium
Future Athletic Director??