Monday, April 3, 2017

A Temple!

What a blessing it is to be able to have a temple! When that announcement was made, I couldn't help but cry tears of joy. I was and am so happy. General Conference was so amazing, couldn't even pick my favorite talk. All of it was awe inspiring. I love our sweet prophet. He is truly an inspired man. His talks were definitely something to remember.

This week was an awesome week. With conference it was a bonus, but I wanted to focus on a really sweet miracle that I saw. That really strengthened my testimony of the priesthood. So a couple weeks ago Elder Kendrick and I gave  blessings to the Sister missionaries investigators, I gave a blessing to a 9 year old girl who had chronic migraines..they were so bad that this poor little girl couldn't hardly function. Well her mother asked if I could give a blessing I agreed and blessed her that she would be healed according to her faith. One of the most miraculous experiences of my life, I could literally feel the faith that this young girl had coming from her as I laid my hands on her head. It was truly an experience that I won't soon forget. Well just yesterday at conference, this young girl accompanied by her mother, came up to me and shook my hand, showed me her doll and said thank you for the blessing, I don't get headaches any more. Wow. that hit me. And what topped it off was looking at her mothers tear filled eyes as she explained that Elder Kendricks blessing had healed her as she was finally progressing to get over her illness. Her mother also explained that her daughter who had headaches at least 3 times a week hadn't had one for 2 weeks. I was overjoyed. I couldn't hardly believe it. My testimony for the priesthood authority of God increased so much. I have always had a testimony of its power, but that experience boosted my testimony so much. I love being a missionary, and I know that Heavenly Father cares for all of his children,  and if we are prepared, then he can use us as a tool in his hands to benefit his children. I love this gospel and all that it has to offer.

On a side note President Gardner called me and asked me to train another missionary! I am super excited! and so thankful for another opportunity to serve! Ill keep you updated on the new guy lol! Until then, Love,
Elder Kirby
 District Meeting
 A hat (gift from a member)
 Huskers Stadium
Future Athletic Director??

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