Monday, April 10, 2017


Wow, what a crazy and exciting week. Elder Kendrick got transferred to Brandon, SD. So that was sad, I loved that kid so much. However,  I got a brand new missionary this week! His name is Elder Stokes. And he is from Plain City Utah, just outside of Ogden. He is an awesome kid who has a big heart. He is a hardworking machine. He loves to drive CAT equipment, and hopes to own his own business one day. I love working with him. We are having a ton of fun together. This week was just crazy because of transfers and whatnot, but we were still able to get a lot of work done and find some more investigators. We have been truly blessed. One of the coolest things actually happened this Sunday. We were invited to teach the Priest Quorum the Restoration, just like we would to investigators. Well I had one of the most profound experiences of my life. As I was going through the different points, I began to quote the first vision..and as I did, the spirit hit me so strong. And I couldn't help but cry as I continued on with the prophets words, and as soon as we finished teaching, the Spirit was so strong, and I knew in that moment that the spirit was confirming to me the truthfulness of the things I had just taught. It was an amazing experience. I would encourage all of you to think about how precious the simple truths that we have in our church really are. We hold the keys to happiness because we have the fullness of the gospel. Just remember that everytime someone asks a question or you feel prpmpted so say something. I love this gospel, and have a testimony that our Savior lives, and that he stands at the head of this church. I testify of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, I know that by abiding by its precepts, a man can get closer to God than by any other book. Joseph Smith was a prophet. I have no doubts about that. I love this work and this gospel. And I leave you my witness of these things, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Elder Kirby

 Elder Stokes
Road kill or pet??

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