Monday, April 24, 2017

week full of sunshine

Not too much happened this week, nevertheless it was a good one full of sunshine and lots of people to talk to.

On Monday last week, we went and walked around an art gallery which was so amazing! Then we went to an antique store, and I found this old Stetson hat that I just about bought, I just didn't have the funds. It was so sweet though. We ended out day with some basketball as usual!

The next big thing that happened was Wednesday when we had our trainer trainee meeting. It was phenomenal. One of the big things that I loved, was when President brought up that we are the tools that Heavenly Father uses to bring His children home. That really struck me. It made me really realize how important of a calling It is. And what It really means to be a member of the church. Elder Arnold came down from Omaha, because he is training also! I was so pumped to see him! he even made me a sick floral tie! (btw if you are going to send ties, send floral!) We had a good time, and then hit the streets again!

On Saturday, we helped a lady move, and Elder Haire and I carried an ancient heavy washing machine up a tiny flight of stairs, it was pretty interesting. I was so happy that I didn't have to carry it up to the 3rd story where her apartment is lol.

I am also happy to report that we found our family we have been praying for! One day we drove all the way out to Eagle (like 20 minutes on a dirt road.) And we were crusing hitting some farm houses, and we came across a red brick home, with three huge green stars. So of course we had to go and knock it. As we did, and older gentleman answered the door and let us right in, we were able to teach him the restoration, and set him for baptism. It was such an awesome lesson and feeling. My testimony that Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers was definitely strengthened that day. We also had an amazing lesson with another family again this week, we finally broke down some walls that they had put up about his beliefs. I am super excited to help him love the gospel. I love their family. Other than that, not too much else happened this week. We are looking forward to a sweet week this week! I am so thankful for the book of Mormon. It is the catalyst of pure joy, because it teaches about Jesus Christ and His atonement. I love it, and I know that by feasting upon it every day, we can fill any void, conquer any challenge, and be filled with the love of our Heavenly Father. Thank you for all that you do, I love you and pray for you!

Love Elder Kirby
 Trainer\trainee meeting
 Floral ties with Elder Arnold
 Missing mountains
No explanation on this one ;) none on his shirt though!

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