Monday, April 17, 2017

finding white dogs

This week was a good one, we got to go on exchanges with the Zone Leaders this week, I went with Elder Jhonson! He is from Rexburg! He is such a stud, we had a good exchange, we taught a deaf man and we communicated with a notebook and a pen! It was super cool, we acutually set him for baptism! It was a super cool experience to say the least. So this week had some really sweet miracles, but this one was my fav! Ok, so I received a prompting one night to look for a white dog in the area we were tracting, and so I was super motivated and was just going ham looking for this dog. Well I started to get discouraged because I just couldn't find it, and by the end of the night I was really down. Well just yesterday, we were walking down a road to try one of our gators and this girl yells "hi Elders" and I had no idea who she was, so we just said hi and blew it off. Well we set up an appointment, and turned around and in the front lawn of this house is a white dog. So I felt impressed to go over and talk to the 3 people outside. As we did, one of them was inactive and was getting her kid for the weekend, but the young guy and his wife said they had talked to missionaries before, so I asked if we could share a message, and we taught them for an hour!! and they are now new investigators for us! but I found my white dog!!
Easter this week was amazing, I loved the sacrament especially this week. I was looking at the sacrament table and all I could imaging was the Savior laying in the tomb, and his sacrifice for us. I was brought to tears as I watched the young priesthood holders pass the sacrament, and thought how great a blessing it was to have that sacred power restored to the Earth. I love this Gospel. Thank you to everyone for the Easter cards and gifts. I appreciate them very much. I love you, and thank you. May we ever keep the Saviors sacrifice on our minds.. even long after this Easter season.

Elder Kirby

Return of the yoyo

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