Tuesday, June 13, 2017

I'm 20!!

This week was awesome! I turned 20, so that was weird! Thank you to everyone for the birthday gifts and wishes, it was truly one of my greatest birthdays.

This week was so sweet, we got to teach some sweet lessons. AND MIKE CAME TO CHURCH!!
On Tuesday, we fasted from our car in order to talk with more people, and it was so much fun, because the weather has been so awesome! its hot. We found a bunch of really cool investigators, but my favorite lessons was with Mike. We went over one day to teach mike the restoration again, and his friend was there too. (his name is Michael) Michael started to ask us a bunch of questions about the gospel, And after a little while he mentioned that he had been feeling weighed down from all the mistakes he has made. So we taught him about repentance, and he was eating it up. Well the lesson ended, and we came back the next day, and Michael had a huge smile on his face and all he said was "guys I did it, and I feel so happy"  That made me so happy. I cant really describe how it feels when an investigator feels the spirit and then tells you about it. its amazing. Mike and Michael both came to church as well, and Michael cried through the whole thing. I was so happy! They both loved church and are looking forward to coming back next week!
Another amazing part about this week, was Zone Conference! It was awesome! President and Sister Gardner both gave awesome trainings about the Book of Mormon, and developing Christ like attributes. IT was so sweet! Also, our mission killed it in the points challenge we were doing, so we got to play soft ball! IT was really fun! I love zone conference! Other than that, it was a pretty normal week this week! We had a huge storm this morning, that shook our entire building, so that was sweet. We have a busy week scheduled! Thank you again for all of the Birthday cards and letters! I appreciate and love you all!!

Elder Kirby
 June Birthdays

Zone Softball

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