Monday, June 19, 2017


This week was so awesome! Lots of crazy cool things happened, first off, I got to go on exchanges with Elder Beazer, and we had a ton of fun teaching and talking to everyone we saw! That has been one of my new goals, to not let anyone pass by without being talked to. It was awesome. We had a great district meeting this week, about setting appropriate and attainable goals. It was all based off of the talk "Return and Receive" from this last general conference. It is awesome, and one of my fav talks! The biggest highlight of me week, was the storm we had on Friday night. It was so crazy, and pretty scary, the sky turned green and everything, so I started to pack a survival kit because we had all the signs of a tornado. There weren't any sirens or anything, but the storm was nuts! And apparently, a tornado may have touched down about half mile away from our apartment. So that was cool. Other than that we had a pretty normal week! I cant believe how fast time is going! its so crazy! Transfers are in a week and a half! I am hoping to stay, even though its not very likely! I guess we will find out soon enough! I am having a blast and loving my mission. It is truly a gift. I am enjoying every second of it. Thank you for all that you do, have a good week!

Elder Kirby

*Due to computer issues at the library he says sorry the emails are so short this week!!

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