Monday, June 5, 2017

sunshine and fishing

This week was awesome, the weather is getting nice and warm, and my tan is coming in quite nicely. from my biceps down. This week we had a ton of fun, we went on some pretty sweet exchanges. I got to go with Elder Swaner, and we decided that we needed to run all day in order for us to accomplish all the work that Heavenly Father needed us to do. So we took of running, and ran in between people, and different appointments. I was dripping sweat, but we found 5 new investigators. t was such a good day. If we put In the work to accomplish all that Heavenly Father needs us to do, then we will see miracles. My other exchange was with Elder Johnson, and it was fun, we did a ton of service. In fact we built and entire play set. It took forever, but it was so much fun. We also had stake conference this week, and it was such a blessing, because Damaris spoke! She did an amazing job, she forgot her talk, so I told her to just go completely by the spirit. And she killed it. She didn't even realize that she spoke in front of Elder Evanson of the 70 until I told her after. She is truly amazing, and we are going to the temple with her for baptisms in a couple weeks! I am super excited. Other than that, we got to go fishing in a private pond surrounded by huge mansions...It was the weirdest fishing I have ever done, but it turned out pretty good, I caught 8 total! This week has been a fun one, I am super excited for next week though, because we have zone conference with softball afterwards!  I love being a missionary. Its the greatest work in the world. I am loving every single day. More to come next week. Much love, and thanks!

Elder Kirby

 Stop and smell the flowers every once in awhile!

more fish

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