Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Hello From NE!

This week went by so fast, we had a busy schedule this week and lots to do! We had Zone Conference in Kearny this week, and it was a ton of fun! President Gardner gave some awesome trainings about Jesus Christ being the Word and how we get the Word in us! He also talked about agency and accountability! They were really awesome and i learned a lot! This week we were able to teach some really awesome people. We are working closely with all of our investigators! Paul came to church this week again, and is loving reading the Book of Mormon! He is up to Enos so far! Other than that, we have been running around to various different appointments! Our ward is awesome, they are helping us out so much with teaching and providing meals! It has been awesome! I am truly blessed to be in this ward. I am loving North Platte, it is so fun, we had breakfast at a little diner this morning. It was amazing, we are going to make it a regular place for sure. Elder Roos and I are doing well together! We are enjoying the work and the nice weather! Foot ball season started up, so i am sure things are going to be awesome here in the coming weeks! Good ol Husker football haha! Anyhow, not to too much else to report on! Thank you all for all that you do, you are all in my prayers every night! Have a good week! 

Love Elder Kirby

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