Monday, July 31, 2017


This week was amazing! We had lots of awesome opportunities. We got to teach our investigator Liz, we took Bishop Piercey out with us and had a phenomenal lesson. Liz is making some big changes in her life, and is looking forward to being baptized on the 19th ! We are really excited for her. We also had the wonderful opportunity to teach a lesson in a combined class this Sunday on the importance of members. I would invite you all to read PMG chapter 9 under the importance of members! Its a great chapter with wonderful counsel on how to work with the missionaries. Its awesome! 

We had Zone conference this week! and it was amazing! President Gardner taught us the importance of the Holy Ghost in our teaching. One of my fav quotes was from Elder Holland: "You cannot dwell in Babylon all day and then run to Enoch to teach a lesson. Grabbing the spirit out of the closet on your way out." I love that counsel. It really puts into perspective what we say and do all day. We have to consciously be aware of the spirit and not do anything that would detract from its presence. We also gave our training on the doctrine and promised blessings of baptism. It went really well we thought. I mean no one like yelled at us or anything so I guess we did ok! 

We also may have had a slight tornado one night this week, we have no conformation if that is accurate, but there were fences destroyed and large trees uprooted on one end of town and nowhere there was probably a twister like a mile from our house. (super sad we didn't see it)  Other than that not too much else exciting happened this week, we got to golf again today, and we are looking forward to a brand new 2017 Toyota Rogue. So that will be awesome! We head to Omaha again for MLC on Thursday night

Elder Brinkerhoff and I are doing well, we are getting along great and we are doing lots of good work out here. I love North Platte and everyone in our ward! Its an amazing place. Any how I love you all and I am so grateful your support and prayers. Have a great week!

Elder Kirby
3rd Nephi 18

Any ideas on what you want to be when you are grown?? Pediatrician

Words of wisdom?   Life's a garden dig it. jk...remember that repentance is the enabling power that carries us along the path of eternal progression.

Favorite thing about NP? Least favorite thing?  It's small and not humid!! I don't have a least favorite thing!

Most "interesting thing you've seen or witnessed in the last few month? Well im not too sure. Probably the man who stopped us on the street and asked if we could hold hands and pray with him. He also explained that he is a poet and writes mystical poems. That was awesome though!

Are you gonna come home a cowboy/farmer since serving with Elder Brinkerhoff? Lets just say...we have big plans...

How's the fishing? Fishing is good lots of bass!

What's your thoughts on the brotherly wrestling match that is less than a year away??   
Me and Brink wrestle all the time..I have also started some drilling so...lets go baby!!

 *pictures courtesy of Elder Brinkerhoff's mom, and his mission mom

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