Monday, September 25, 2017

chocolate crickets

Hello from freezing cold Nebraska. This week has been rainy and chilly. I even busted out my sweater this week. Crazy stuff. And even though the weather is cold, the work is heating up! So things with Paul have been crazy, he has been faithfully living the Word of Wisdom, and coming to church. But due to general conference and his work schedule, we are expecting his baptism to be on the 14th of October. He is so awesome, he told us he is up to Alma 50 a couple days ago, Paul devotes at least one hour a day to reading the Book of Mormon. It is so cool to see how it has completely changed his life. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. Our investigator Penny is doing really well too, she told us she is thinking about being baptized, so that is a lot of progress. She is the sweetest lady ever. We also have a couple other sweet people we are working with, and we are excited to continue teaching them. Elder Towne and I are doing really well together, we are working hard, and not taking no for an answer! We are finding some really solid people, and we are looking forward to this coming week. Cool miracle happened last night! We were just at the end of our evening, and I felt like we needed to stop at the house right next to our car, so we knocked at the door, and the sweetest old lady answered, and invited us in with her husband. We went in and sat down with them and started to talk with them, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of our new pass a long cards sitting on their shelf. So I asked her when she got that, and she told us a few months ago, and then Elder Towne invited them to watch the "Prince of Peace" video that is on the back. As they did, the spirit was so strong. We were able to bear our testimonies of Jesus Christ and his atonement. We talked about prophets and the restoration. And the old woman, whose name is Doris, had tears in her eyes. It was so powerful. We invited them to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. And we are going to go back and see them! But the coolest part, I felt like I had met her somewhere before, and I wasn't sure where, she looked at me and told me that she felt the same way. And she couldn't decide where. I know that Heavenly Father prepares specific people for us to teach, we just have to be willing to listen and follow promptings from the Holy Ghost. 

Also this week, some members bought us some chocolate covered crickets....So I totally ate one and almost threw up...It was an experience none the less haha! Anyhow, the work is going great, I am excited for this upcoming transfer, we are going to do a lot of big things as a zone! Keep up the good work, I love you all and am so grateful for you! Have a good week! 

Elder Kirby

A thought from this week: Time is the most precious gift we have been given. We cannot take it back. We cannot replace it. And we never know how much we have. The best gift we can give our brothers and sisters is our time. 

Monday, September 18, 2017


This week was legendary. One of the busiest weeks I have had on my mission. We did a back to back exchange this week, with the North Platte 1st Elders, and the Lexington Spanish Elders. It was so much fun, I got to go with Elder Jeffers on Tuesday, and we had a blast, and saw some amazing miracles with finding new investigators and teaching a lot of people. One of our investigators sent us off with a tin full of cookies, and as we were walking, we came across a young couple who just lost their home and jobs, and are living out of their car. It was an amazing experience as we taught them, the spirit was so strong, we also got to share our cookies with them! Very sweet couple! Anyhow, the rest of the day was equally as awesome! Then on wednesday, the Lexington Elders came up, and I got to go on an exchange with Elder Rubio. He is probably the funniest Elder I have ever met. We had a ton of fun, and we got to find and teach some really amazing people. After studies the next day, Elder Roos and I packed up and took off to Omaha, where we stayed the night and then had MLC the next morning which was so awesome! President Gardner taught us some amazing things about the doctrine of the Godhead, and Sister Gardners training on Parents was amazing as well! I also got to see Elder Brinkerhoff, and my boy Elder Buxton! Also crazy news!! i found out that i am a GRANDPA!!! Elder stokes is training a new missionary! So that is so cool! Speaking of transfers, i found out this morning that Elder Roos is leaving me, and I am getting Elder Towne! Kinda crazy, but its going to be fun none the less! We had a good week seeing investigators, and Paul came to church again this week, we are hoping to baptize him right after conference!! We also found one of the most amazing and prepared families last night. We have been praying to find a family, and we did! We started teaching a lady on her porch and she explained how she was just so confused about all these different churches and how she wished she could just find the truth. We were able to go inside and teach her husband and daughters. And it was such an amazing spirit filled lesson! They excitedly accepted the invitation to read and pray saying that they would start that night! We are going back to teach them again on Friday! Overall, such an amazing spirit filled week, lots of exciting changes and opportunities to teach the gospel!! Im looking forward to another transfer out here! Anyhow, thank you for everything. I love you all! Keep smiling and have a great week!

Elder Kirby

 serious missionaries
 True colors
 Reunited with Elder Buxton
Disc Golf

Monday, September 11, 2017


Hello everyone! This week was so awesome! We got a chance to work with a lot of our investigators, and we were blessed enough to have 3 of our investigators come to church. Paul is doing really good, he is set for baptism on the 23rd, and has read up to Mosiah 20 in the Book of Mormon. He is an amazing example how the Book of Mormon can influence our lives. He has completely changed and has grown closer to Jesus Christ. He is awesome, we went on exchanges with the Grand Island Spanish Elders, I went with Elder Hoogendoorn, he is from Yuma, Arizona. We had a good time, and we were able to teach some really awesome people! It was a great exchange, he is a good Elder.

We have been finding a lot this week, and we have been led to so many amazing individuals and families, and we are truly seeing so many miracles daily. I am  truly blessed to be serving in this ward, the members are helping us so much in teaching our investigators! It has been amazing. Elder Roos and I are doing good! We are getting along great, he is teaching me so much! I love him! We are working really hard, and having a ton of fun! we are going disc golfing all day today! it is going to be so sweet! Anyhow, NP is the place to be! We drive to Omaha this week for MLC! so I get to see all the homies again! I am loving my mission so much! Thank you for all that you do, have a good week!

Elder Kirby

 Floral ties are my favorite!
The crew

This a poem he wrote and sent me. I hope he doesn't mind my sharing!

"Eternal Friend"
In your palms I see sacrifice,
I see heavens light shining in your eyes, 
In the depths of your humility, I find my eternity.
Your walls of mercy stretch before me without end,
You are my life, my savior, my eternal friend.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Hello From NE!

This week went by so fast, we had a busy schedule this week and lots to do! We had Zone Conference in Kearny this week, and it was a ton of fun! President Gardner gave some awesome trainings about Jesus Christ being the Word and how we get the Word in us! He also talked about agency and accountability! They were really awesome and i learned a lot! This week we were able to teach some really awesome people. We are working closely with all of our investigators! Paul came to church this week again, and is loving reading the Book of Mormon! He is up to Enos so far! Other than that, we have been running around to various different appointments! Our ward is awesome, they are helping us out so much with teaching and providing meals! It has been awesome! I am truly blessed to be in this ward. I am loving North Platte, it is so fun, we had breakfast at a little diner this morning. It was amazing, we are going to make it a regular place for sure. Elder Roos and I are doing well together! We are enjoying the work and the nice weather! Foot ball season started up, so i am sure things are going to be awesome here in the coming weeks! Good ol Husker football haha! Anyhow, not to too much else to report on! Thank you all for all that you do, you are all in my prayers every night! Have a good week! 

Love Elder Kirby