Monday, September 18, 2017


This week was legendary. One of the busiest weeks I have had on my mission. We did a back to back exchange this week, with the North Platte 1st Elders, and the Lexington Spanish Elders. It was so much fun, I got to go with Elder Jeffers on Tuesday, and we had a blast, and saw some amazing miracles with finding new investigators and teaching a lot of people. One of our investigators sent us off with a tin full of cookies, and as we were walking, we came across a young couple who just lost their home and jobs, and are living out of their car. It was an amazing experience as we taught them, the spirit was so strong, we also got to share our cookies with them! Very sweet couple! Anyhow, the rest of the day was equally as awesome! Then on wednesday, the Lexington Elders came up, and I got to go on an exchange with Elder Rubio. He is probably the funniest Elder I have ever met. We had a ton of fun, and we got to find and teach some really amazing people. After studies the next day, Elder Roos and I packed up and took off to Omaha, where we stayed the night and then had MLC the next morning which was so awesome! President Gardner taught us some amazing things about the doctrine of the Godhead, and Sister Gardners training on Parents was amazing as well! I also got to see Elder Brinkerhoff, and my boy Elder Buxton! Also crazy news!! i found out that i am a GRANDPA!!! Elder stokes is training a new missionary! So that is so cool! Speaking of transfers, i found out this morning that Elder Roos is leaving me, and I am getting Elder Towne! Kinda crazy, but its going to be fun none the less! We had a good week seeing investigators, and Paul came to church again this week, we are hoping to baptize him right after conference!! We also found one of the most amazing and prepared families last night. We have been praying to find a family, and we did! We started teaching a lady on her porch and she explained how she was just so confused about all these different churches and how she wished she could just find the truth. We were able to go inside and teach her husband and daughters. And it was such an amazing spirit filled lesson! They excitedly accepted the invitation to read and pray saying that they would start that night! We are going back to teach them again on Friday! Overall, such an amazing spirit filled week, lots of exciting changes and opportunities to teach the gospel!! Im looking forward to another transfer out here! Anyhow, thank you for everything. I love you all! Keep smiling and have a great week!

Elder Kirby

 serious missionaries
 True colors
 Reunited with Elder Buxton
Disc Golf

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