Monday, September 11, 2017


Hello everyone! This week was so awesome! We got a chance to work with a lot of our investigators, and we were blessed enough to have 3 of our investigators come to church. Paul is doing really good, he is set for baptism on the 23rd, and has read up to Mosiah 20 in the Book of Mormon. He is an amazing example how the Book of Mormon can influence our lives. He has completely changed and has grown closer to Jesus Christ. He is awesome, we went on exchanges with the Grand Island Spanish Elders, I went with Elder Hoogendoorn, he is from Yuma, Arizona. We had a good time, and we were able to teach some really awesome people! It was a great exchange, he is a good Elder.

We have been finding a lot this week, and we have been led to so many amazing individuals and families, and we are truly seeing so many miracles daily. I am  truly blessed to be serving in this ward, the members are helping us so much in teaching our investigators! It has been amazing. Elder Roos and I are doing good! We are getting along great, he is teaching me so much! I love him! We are working really hard, and having a ton of fun! we are going disc golfing all day today! it is going to be so sweet! Anyhow, NP is the place to be! We drive to Omaha this week for MLC! so I get to see all the homies again! I am loving my mission so much! Thank you for all that you do, have a good week!

Elder Kirby

 Floral ties are my favorite!
The crew

This a poem he wrote and sent me. I hope he doesn't mind my sharing!

"Eternal Friend"
In your palms I see sacrifice,
I see heavens light shining in your eyes, 
In the depths of your humility, I find my eternity.
Your walls of mercy stretch before me without end,
You are my life, my savior, my eternal friend.

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