Monday, November 27, 2017


Hello! This week was such an amazing week here in good ol  Braska. We had thanksgiving this week, and it was a fun filled day for sure! Elder Towne and I woke up early on Thursday morning, and cooked a turkey for our district pot luck. And surprisingly it turned out pretty good haha! Until we got to district meeting and i made the decision to put it on warm in the turned to turkey jerky before we got to enjoy it lol. All  the Elders still ate it though!! After district meeting, we went out to the Adams family's house for another dinner, it was awesome, we ate a ton of good food, and then got to go out and feed and play with the cows! It was a good time, the Nebraska plains are so pretty, i love them! Following that dinner, we went and did service with the other North Platte Elders helping a lady in our ward move some stuff from a storage shed. And then....we ate another Thanksgiving meal at the Thornes house with one of our investigators! They are the most awesome family ever. We had a great meal, and then afterwards had a great lesson with our investigator! And then we set up their Christmas tree!! Overall, it was a really fun and enjoyable Thanksgiving. The next day, Elder Towne was sick, so we spent all day in our apartment. It was good, i did a lot of cleaning haha! But we were able to get a lot of work done the rest of the week. I cant believe that its almost Christmas, it sure doesnt feel like it, especially with it being like 75 today...crazy. Anyhow, the work is alive and well in North Platte, we are teaching a lot of amazing people and families that are progressing more and more each day. I am loving my time here! This coming week will be fun, we are headed to Omaha for MLC on Thursday to Friday, so i get to see Elder Brinkerhoff again! Should be fun! Anyhow, i hope you all have a great week! I appreciate all that you do. 


Elder Kirby

Mosiah 18: 8-10 

 My first turkey
 Turkey carving
 District potluck
pretty proud of his bird

Monday, November 20, 2017


Hello everyone, this week was a really fast, but really good week. We had interviews with President this week, and they were amazing as always. Afterwards, we had a zone training meeting with some of the Elders and Sisters in the zone, it went really well. I gave a training that President and his wife gave the week before at zone will never know stressed until you have to give a training that your mission pres and wife gave the week before with Sister Gardner turned out pretty good haha! We had a great week seeing our inv. Charlie and Rose fed us this week, and we were able to have a lesson right after, they are awesome! We also taught Jana this week, she quit smoking! and she is progressing towards baptism here soon! Overall, we had a good week of seeing new people, and finding new investigators. I am thankful for thanksgiving, and all of the food we will get to eat! Its going to be awesome! We are building a fence and visiting inv. and members all day, so it should be a really fun day! Other than that, not too much else happened this week, Elder Towne and i are working well together, just trying to keep track of the days, because they all just kinda melt together haha! I am loving every second of my mission so far, i cant wait for the next few weeks! Anyhow, i love you all, have a happy Thanksgiving, and take time to ponder on all of the Blessings Heavenly Father has given us. 

Elder Kirby

Monday, November 13, 2017


This week was a fun filled and tiring week! We started our week off by traveling up to Omaha on tuesday night to stay with the AP's for MLC the next day, I got to see Elder Kendrick, and Elder Brinkerhoff!! Wednesday morning, we had our meeting, and we were taught by Elder Natress of the 70. He is such a fun guy, and I really enjoyed his training all about love and charity. It was a ton of fun to meet him and get to talk with him. We took off from Omaha and got back to North Platte just in time to go to two appointments. That night we had the Sutherland Elders come and stay with us so that we could go to Zone conference in Grand Island the next morning! Zone Conference was so amazing, President Gardner gave an amazing training on hope and faith. And then we got to be taught by Elder Natress again!! He gave an amazing training, and had us participate in some group activities. The spirit was so strong, and I learned so much. My faith in Jesus Christ grew so much, and I am thankful for that opportunity. 

This week, we will get to slow down a little bit, we have interviews tomorrow, and we are giving a zone training. Its also deer season around here, we saw a truck full of mule deer today at was pretty great. Other than that, North Platte is awesome! I am loving every second I get to spend here!! And we are seeing some pretty awesome miracles! Charlie and Rose both attended church this week, as well as Jana and another of our investigators! They are all progressing really well, and we are having a lot of fun! Elder Towne and I  are doing well, we have a lot of fun together! I can't believe Thanksgiving is just next week! It seems like it was just yesterday I was thinking about Thanksgiving. We are having dinner with some awesome members, so I am really excited!! Anyhow, all is well! Thank you for all that you do, I love you!!

Elder Kirby

 Zone Conference with Elder Nattress
Watching movies (Mountain of the Lord, and Testaments) and eating potatoes out of the pot.

Isiah 6

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Hello from snow covered NE!!! this week was full of awesome lessons, miracles, and a great stake conference!

This week was a ton of fun, we got our miles reset for the month finally, and it was just in time, it started to snow a little, and its getting pretty cold! Transfers happened this week too, so we drove down to Grand Island to transfer point to help the new missionaries. Which there wasnt a lot, because basically the whole zone stayed the same. Except for Elder Eva who is brand new who is here in North Platte with Elder Adams. He is a great kid, and he loves to hunt so i dig him haha! 

This week Charlie and Rose have been on fire, we have met with them every night at 8 o clock, they both are living the word of wisdom, and already have such a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. Charlie reads each pamphlet 3 times before we come back, as well as the gospel principles book! And Rose made it out to stake conference as well!! She is awesome!! We also had a great meeting with our investigator Joe, he is reading a lot, and told us that he believes the Book of Mormon is true! We are really excited to continue to teach him! 

We saw a lot of little miracles this week, but my favorite was when we were knocking some doors in a trailer park, and we came across this trailer, and as we knocked, a young man answered with his two boys. Elder Towne  began to talk about the restoration, and the guy was like "what reallly??"..."That sounds interesting, im listening" We were able to teach him and get a time to come back and teach his whole family! It was a small miracle, but truly a breath of fresh air! I was so happy. We also had a really powerful lesson with a part member family that we work with. The spirit felt like it was almost tangible. It was one of the coolest experiences of my mission. 

Anyhow, all is going well, we have a really busy week this week with a ton of driving. we get to stay the night with my best bud Elder Brinkerhoff, who is now an AP! Im super excited!! Anyhow have a great week! I am grateful for all of the support and prayers!!

Love Elder Kirby

2nd Nephi 32