Monday, November 13, 2017


This week was a fun filled and tiring week! We started our week off by traveling up to Omaha on tuesday night to stay with the AP's for MLC the next day, I got to see Elder Kendrick, and Elder Brinkerhoff!! Wednesday morning, we had our meeting, and we were taught by Elder Natress of the 70. He is such a fun guy, and I really enjoyed his training all about love and charity. It was a ton of fun to meet him and get to talk with him. We took off from Omaha and got back to North Platte just in time to go to two appointments. That night we had the Sutherland Elders come and stay with us so that we could go to Zone conference in Grand Island the next morning! Zone Conference was so amazing, President Gardner gave an amazing training on hope and faith. And then we got to be taught by Elder Natress again!! He gave an amazing training, and had us participate in some group activities. The spirit was so strong, and I learned so much. My faith in Jesus Christ grew so much, and I am thankful for that opportunity. 

This week, we will get to slow down a little bit, we have interviews tomorrow, and we are giving a zone training. Its also deer season around here, we saw a truck full of mule deer today at was pretty great. Other than that, North Platte is awesome! I am loving every second I get to spend here!! And we are seeing some pretty awesome miracles! Charlie and Rose both attended church this week, as well as Jana and another of our investigators! They are all progressing really well, and we are having a lot of fun! Elder Towne and I  are doing well, we have a lot of fun together! I can't believe Thanksgiving is just next week! It seems like it was just yesterday I was thinking about Thanksgiving. We are having dinner with some awesome members, so I am really excited!! Anyhow, all is well! Thank you for all that you do, I love you!!

Elder Kirby

 Zone Conference with Elder Nattress
Watching movies (Mountain of the Lord, and Testaments) and eating potatoes out of the pot.

Isiah 6

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