Monday, November 27, 2017


Hello! This week was such an amazing week here in good ol  Braska. We had thanksgiving this week, and it was a fun filled day for sure! Elder Towne and I woke up early on Thursday morning, and cooked a turkey for our district pot luck. And surprisingly it turned out pretty good haha! Until we got to district meeting and i made the decision to put it on warm in the turned to turkey jerky before we got to enjoy it lol. All  the Elders still ate it though!! After district meeting, we went out to the Adams family's house for another dinner, it was awesome, we ate a ton of good food, and then got to go out and feed and play with the cows! It was a good time, the Nebraska plains are so pretty, i love them! Following that dinner, we went and did service with the other North Platte Elders helping a lady in our ward move some stuff from a storage shed. And then....we ate another Thanksgiving meal at the Thornes house with one of our investigators! They are the most awesome family ever. We had a great meal, and then afterwards had a great lesson with our investigator! And then we set up their Christmas tree!! Overall, it was a really fun and enjoyable Thanksgiving. The next day, Elder Towne was sick, so we spent all day in our apartment. It was good, i did a lot of cleaning haha! But we were able to get a lot of work done the rest of the week. I cant believe that its almost Christmas, it sure doesnt feel like it, especially with it being like 75 today...crazy. Anyhow, the work is alive and well in North Platte, we are teaching a lot of amazing people and families that are progressing more and more each day. I am loving my time here! This coming week will be fun, we are headed to Omaha for MLC on Thursday to Friday, so i get to see Elder Brinkerhoff again! Should be fun! Anyhow, i hope you all have a great week! I appreciate all that you do. 


Elder Kirby

Mosiah 18: 8-10 

 My first turkey
 Turkey carving
 District potluck
pretty proud of his bird

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