Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Hello from snow covered NE!!! this week was full of awesome lessons, miracles, and a great stake conference!

This week was a ton of fun, we got our miles reset for the month finally, and it was just in time, it started to snow a little, and its getting pretty cold! Transfers happened this week too, so we drove down to Grand Island to transfer point to help the new missionaries. Which there wasnt a lot, because basically the whole zone stayed the same. Except for Elder Eva who is brand new who is here in North Platte with Elder Adams. He is a great kid, and he loves to hunt so i dig him haha! 

This week Charlie and Rose have been on fire, we have met with them every night at 8 o clock, they both are living the word of wisdom, and already have such a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. Charlie reads each pamphlet 3 times before we come back, as well as the gospel principles book! And Rose made it out to stake conference as well!! She is awesome!! We also had a great meeting with our investigator Joe, he is reading a lot, and told us that he believes the Book of Mormon is true! We are really excited to continue to teach him! 

We saw a lot of little miracles this week, but my favorite was when we were knocking some doors in a trailer park, and we came across this trailer, and as we knocked, a young man answered with his two boys. Elder Towne  began to talk about the restoration, and the guy was like "what reallly??"..."That sounds interesting, im listening" We were able to teach him and get a time to come back and teach his whole family! It was a small miracle, but truly a breath of fresh air! I was so happy. We also had a really powerful lesson with a part member family that we work with. The spirit felt like it was almost tangible. It was one of the coolest experiences of my mission. 

Anyhow, all is going well, we have a really busy week this week with a ton of driving. we get to stay the night with my best bud Elder Brinkerhoff, who is now an AP! Im super excited!! Anyhow have a great week! I am grateful for all of the support and prayers!!

Love Elder Kirby

2nd Nephi 32

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